
  • Oct 24, 1497

    italian born jhon cabot claims north america for england

  • Period: Oct 24, 1497 to

    united states

  • Oct 24, 1534

    jacques cartier of france exploresthe grate lakes and the st.lawrance river

  • captin jhon smith founds the english colony of jamestown

  • henry hudson explores northeastern north america including the hudson river

  • treaty of paris ends french indian war

  • colonists decler their independence from england whit the declaration of independence

  • lousiana purches trety signd whith france

  • war of 1812 between united states and great britain

  • oregon trety signed and the boundary between canada and the united states is establish at the 49th parallel (line of latitude)

  • civil war begans

  • civil war ends

  • alaska is purchesd from russia

  • gold is discover in the yukons klondike

  • united states enters wwi fighting whith the british and french

  • great depresion begins in the us

  • japan attaks us at pearl harbor,usenters ww2 whit the allies

  • us drops atomic bambs on hiroshima and nagasaki

  • neil armstrong is first person to walk on the moon

  • united states sign a free trade agreement whit canada

  • persian gulf war

  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is signed between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

  • occupation ofiraq bt thr united states