
By ShayRae
  • Immigration into the prairies

    Immigration Into the Prairies1898 was a big year for Canada as many new immigrants came. They wished to participate in the big land boom of the prairies. They wanted to move to the prairies because there was a large amount of work offered in the grain industry! Grain was the most high priced item on the market at the time so a well established crop could make someone very wealthy.
  • Boer War

    Boer WarThis was now the second boer war. It was an attempt to end the controversy with the republics of British colonies. The war was a major turning point in British history due to the reaction of tactics the army had used in the region. It brought new life to British militia history
  • Life on the Prairies

    Life on the Prairies(pic)When settlers first came to the prairies they had to come up with $500 dollars just in order t buy items that were essential for life on the praries. The essential tools to run a farm were a plough, a horse, wagon and a milking cow. The houses were constructed of mud huts on a wooden frame that were called sods.
  • Building the Railway

    Building the RailwayDue to the great increase in population it was the best time to build yet another railway! The people of the praries thought it would be convienet if another railway ran through the praries! It was known as the Grand Trunk Railroad. It stretched from coast to coast and became a great and well used sorce of transportation.
  • Alberta becomes a province

    Alberta becomes a ProvinceThe province of Alberta became a district of the Northwest Territories. As a settlement it had an increase of local politics and soon came representatives of the people of the praries. As the district enlarged it was eventually given the status of a province.
  • Immigration Issues

    Immigration IssuesDue to the outstanding ammount of immigration to Canada, mainly chinese, the country was forced to charge people to immigrate. The government now charged all new immigrants $50 each to come into the country. They also put restrictions on the ammount oc people that were aloud to come over. On ships 1 person per 50 tonnes was all that was aloud to cross. Due to the fact that so many immigrants were coming to Canada to try and have a better life it was causing push-pull factors.
  • Nisga'a Land Claim

    Nisga'a Land ClaimThe Nisga'a clan launched campaigns for the rights to live on their ancestral land. They wanted to be able to live on the land that was theirs by birth right but had been taken away from them by the government. They were the first natives to go into the Canadian political system, and finally recieve rights to the lands.
  • Anti-Asian Riots

    Anti Asian RiotsWhite supremacists now made their march through Canada after making there way across the United States. They first ambushed the sreets of chinatown Vancouver, they broke windows and destroyed shops, demanding that Canada become a white only country. It was because of these riots that they started doing head tax. Due to other peoples prejiduce and insecurities other people were less likely to come and have a fresh start and a better life because they could no longer afford it.
  • Naval Crisis

    Naval CrisisThe Naval race between Germany and Britain was to build up there naval army. Britian was able to come up with 2 more power standards and Canada wanted to help. They created the Naval service act. In hopes to be better prepared for an battle they pretty much watched coming at them
  • Borden becomes Prime Minister

    Borden becomes Prime Minister Robert Borden became the eighth Prime Minister of Canada. Borden was known for his actions around the first World War. To gain votes during his second run for Prime Minister he took advantage of racism and got elected for promoting a white Canada. Borden is now currently on the $100 dollar bill; showing that he is one of Canada's most famous Prime Minister