In 1918 the federal government introduced prohibition, banned the production, import, and transportation of liqunor across Canada. -
Spanish Flu
As soldiers returned home from the war,the counry was struck with a terrible epidemic ---"Spanish flu".Sloder carried the virus with them from overseas.There are about 50000 Canadians died during epidemic. -
Winnipeg General Strike
The Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 was one of the most influential strikes in Canadian history, and became the platform for future labour reforms.
On 1 may,the buliding and metal trades Councils in Winnipeg voted to go on strike.They were asking for three things:
1.Decent wages(85Cents per hour)
2.an eight-hour day.
3.the right to bargain collect. -
Group of Seven
Particularly members of the group of seven,were influenced by the impressionists.Group of seven are 7 artists. -
William Lyon Mackenzie King
Mackenzie King was a dominant Canadian political liberal leader from the 1920's to the 1940's. He was Canada's 10th Prime Minister, with 21 years in office. However in 1930, King insisted that social welfare was the responsibility of the provinces, declaring he would not give a "five cent piece" to any province that did not have a liberal government. This speech was not popular among voters. In the election of 1930, The Liberals were voted out of office & the Conservative Party came into power. -
In October 1920 in Toronto, Canada, Dr. Frederick Banting, an unknown surgeon with a bachelor's degree in medicine, had the idea that the pancreatic digestive juices could be harmful to the secretion of the pancreas produced by the islets of Langerhans. -
Takling flim were another amazing invention of the 1920s.But "talikies"did not arrive in Canada until 1927. -
Flappers were a popular wearing of young Western women in the 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and this is a swing clothing. -
Foster Hewitt
In 1923,one of the most famous sprotscasters in Canadian history called his first hockey,he is Foster Hewitt. -
Residential Schools
Residential school is the government wanted Aboriginal nations to give up their traditional ways and be absorded into Canadian culture,which was predominantly "white" culture. -
Great Depression
The Causes of great depression is
1Over-production and over-expansion
2Canada's dependce on a few primary product.
3Canada's dependence on the US.
4High tariffs choked off international. -
Bennett buggy
A Bennett buggy was a term used in Canada during the Great Depression to describe a car which had its engine and windows taken out and was pulled by a horse. -
Statute of Westminster
The Statute of Westminster 1931 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Passed on 11 December 1931, the Act established legislative equality for the self-governing dominions of the British Empire with the United Kingdom. The Statute remains domestic law within each of the other Commonwealth realms, to the extent that it has not been implicitly repealed by subsequent laws. -
Relief was emergency financial assistance given to some of the unemployed to keep them from starving.The unemplyed people can go to relief camps. -
On-to-Ottawa Trek
In June 1935,thousands of men fed up with life in British Columbia relief camps boarded freight trains bound for ottawa to protest to the government.Their journey became known as the on-to-Ottawa Trek.