Campbells Labor Unions and Strikes timeline

  • Noble Order of the Knights of Labor

    Noble Order of the Knights of Labor
    The Noble Order of the Knights of Labor was organized by Philadelphia garment workers in 1869. It was open to farmers, merchents, and wage earners. They wanted everyone to recive equal pay for equal work. They also wanted to abolish child labor and have eight hour work days.
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    time span

  • Labor Day Holiday Created

    Labor Day Holiday Created
    The Holiday, Labor Day was created by the United labor Union. It was created for workers as a day off. It was origanally celebrated on September 5th; in 1884, it was switched to the first Monday in September.
  • American Federation of Labor (AFL)

    American Federation of Labor (AFL)
    This organization focused on making better working conditions in workplaces. They wanted better pay for their work. They also wanted to require union lables on produced food. The federation was craft oreinted meaning it was divided by craft.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    The Haymarket Square Riot was an 8 hour protest by workers in Chigago. When police came to break up the strike and it got out of hand. A bomb was set off; 8 policemen died and 100 where injured. This caused Unions to be grouped in with anarchist.
  • How The Other Half Lives

    How The Other Half Lives
    How The Other Half Lives is a book about the horrid conditions of the the New York slums. Written by Jacob Riis, it was wrote to bring these harsh living places to the publics eye as a problem. It talks about how the roofs are in poor condition and there isn't enough room for everyone.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The Homestead Strike started on June 30, and ended on July 6. It was one of the most dangerous disputes in U.S. history. It was a major defeat for the union.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Pullman Strike was about a town that had a town built around it. The company owned the homes and rented them to the workers. During the Panic of 1893, the Company owner, Pullman, refused to lower the rent, but did lower the workers saleries. The union leaders where arrested and the strike collapsed.
  • The Coal Strike

    The Coal Strike
    The Coal Strike was a strike by the United Workers of America. the stike theatened to shut down winter heat supply. President Roosevelt intervined and the strike was suspended. the workers recieved higher pay and the strike was never restarted.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    The Jungle was a book written by Upton Sinclair. it was about the harsh conditions of the food making process. Many of the readers complained and the problem was taken care of.
  • The Bitter cry of Children

    The Bitter cry of Children
    The Bitter cry of Children was written by John Spargo in 1906. It addressed how filthy the child work places where. He was against child labor which was eventually abolished. The book talked about the large machines where a child could get sucked into and never seen again. Also, it told about the horriable jobs they had in the mines.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    The United States made a law that provided federal inspection of meat goods. They forbade the production of hazordous or unhealthy food. This helped many people and made the United States a lot cleaner.
  • The Triangle Shirt Factory Fire

    The Triangle Shirt Factory Fire
    The Triangle Shirt Factory Fire was a tradgedy during the Industrial time period. 146 working imagrants died in the fire. There where no fire escapes and all of the exits where locked so that no one could leave. The children of the CEO and many other officials where in the factory and died.
  • Congress of Industrial Organization

    Congress of Industrial Organization
    The Organization was part of the AFL until 1935. It spilt off because it disagreed that craft should seperate you from other workers. It reunited with the AFL in 1955.
  • The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

    The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
    The National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935. It was pro-labor and allowed labor rights to leagly organize. The National Labor Relations Board was created. The board was given the power to punish unfair labor practices.
  • GM Sit-down Strike

    GM Sit-down Strike
    The GM Sit-down Strike was the first strike where everyone went to work but did nothing. Rooseavelt pressured GM management into talking to the owners. The UAW was finnaly given credit for their support and was aloud to help GM run its business.
  • Fair Labor Standerds Act

    Fair Labor Standerds Act
    The Fair Labor Standerds Act was passed in 1938. It acheived Fedreal regulation of child labor. This was one step closer to abolishing child labor. For the first time there where minimum working ages and hourly wages for children.
  • Steel Strike

    Steel Strike
    The Steel Strike was a strike against US steel and 9 other steel companies. The steel companies sued the president to regain control of their companies. The Supreme Court declared the presidents actions out of his athority. The strike lasted for 53 days and the workers recived higher wages.
  • Major Leage Baseball Strike

    Major Leage Baseball Strike
    The Major Leage Baseball Strike occured from April 1st to April 14th. The players Saleries where raised to $500,000. 83 games where never played.
  • The New York Transit Strike

    The New York Transit Strike
    The New York Transit Strike was a srtike that almost shutdown the city. Contracts for athe MTA workers where made and the strike was stopped. Many commuters where not able to make their trips to work.