Hilter attmept to take over austria
in 1934 itlay made an argeement with austria that italy would protect austria from outside invaders.mussolini the italin dictator
hououred the argeement and moved ilalian troops to the austrian
border to defer hitler invadeing -
Hitler and the Austrian leader Schuschnigg discussing agreement made (1936)
This pact recognised the independence of Austria but the price was that Austria's foreign policy had to be consistent with Germany's. The agreement also allowed Nazis to hold official posts in Austria. -
Ensure Austrian leader will implement hilter's plans.
Schuschnigg announced a referendum where by the Austrian people would decide for themselves if they wanted to be a part of Hitler's Germany. -
Threaten Austria with invasion is vote is not cancelled.
Hitler told his generals to prepare for the invasion of Austria. He ordered Schuschnigg to call off the referendum. Knowing he would receive no help from Italy, and that France and Britain would not interfere in Hitler's plans, Schuschnigg conceded. He called off the referendum and resigned -
Austrian leader Schuschnigg resigns
Seyss Inquart became leader of austria. Hitler tells him to ‘invite’ the Germans into Austria to restore law and order -
German troops march into Austria
Hitler had control of Austria. In a month Hitler held a rigged referendum. The results showed that the Austrian people approved of German control of their country. The british reaction call for a withdrawll and didn t support austria in the invasion Italy was consulted & agreed not to interfere France: government collapsed on 10th March so would need GB & Italy’s help to act -
Hitler demands changes to Austrian government.
In 1938 Schuschnigg visited Hitler at his summer near the Austrian border Hitler demanded that Nazis be given key government posts in Austria.Schuschnigg promised that a member of the nazi party would be made Minister of the Interior -
Period: to
Hitler demands changes to Austrian government.
In 1938 Schuschnigg visited Hitler at his summer ,near the Austrian border. Hitler demanded that Nazis be given key government posts in Austria. Schuschnigg compromised and the Nazi member, Seyss-Inquart, was made Minister of the Interior