Cameron Daniels's American History Timeline

  • Creation of Jamestown

    Creation of Jamestown
    The creation of Jamestown was when the pilgrims came to the new land hoping to find gold. So instead of bringing life stalk the brought tools to find gold.
    They built Jamestown on a Native-American empire,
    2 Years later someone brought a tabscco seed and planted.
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    American History

  • Introduction of tabacco to American Colonies

    Introduction of tabacco to American Colonies
    Someone brought a tabacco plant to Jamestown and they planted it. Tabacco was soon in every garden in Jamestown. They planted so much it would be $1 million now,
  • Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth

    Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth
    They came for religlious freedom. One of the earliest and successful colonies to be founded by the English in North America, and the first sizable permanet settlement in the new english region. A Native-American of the Patuxet people made a peace treaty with them. They attacked one of the Patuxet enimes.
  • Creation of the Mayflower Compact

    Creation of the Mayflower Compact
    The mayflower compact was signed by 41 english colonist on the ship Mayflower. It was the first written framework of government established in what is now the United States. It was so Puritans and non-separaist puritans would not fight.
  • South Carloina Breaks Away

    South Carloina Breaks Away
    South Carloina was the first state to secede.
  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    Proclamation Line of 1763
    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was issued October 7, 1763, by King George III following Great Britain's acquisition of French territory in North America following the end of the French and Indian Wars with the Peace of Paris which concluded the Seven Years' War in Europe and the French Indian War in America. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was designed to calm the fears of Native Indians by halting the westward expansion by colonists whilst expanding the lucrative fur trade. Refer to Royal Procla
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    In 1765 it was imposed that all american colonists had to pay taxes on every piece of printed paper they used, They money collected was used to help pay the costs of the 10,000 trops near the applaachian mountains.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin. (1765-1825) A machine that gentley makes the process of making cotton a bit faster than doing it by hand. By mid-19t century cotton had become America's leading export.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    When Charles Townshend protested and didn't pay the taxes. He boycotted english goods.
  • Boston Massacure

    Boston Massacure
    Paul revere makes a newspaper that tells 5 men were killed by the red coats.
  • Paul Revrer's boston massacre engraving

    Paul Revrer's boston massacre engraving
    Whenthe red coats killed 5 men and paulmade a newspaper about the whole thing and all the colonies heard about it. The newspaper spread really fast.
  • Ben Franklin's Night Riders

    Ben Franklin's Night Riders
    Ben rode around to all the colonies yellign "The red coats are coming, the red coats are coming!" To warn everyone that the british are coming!
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    England taxed America. Americans thought it was unfair. Americans dressed up like Indians and dumped all of the tea from England into the harbor. England got pissed. War for Independence ensued. Fast forward, government is again levying oppressive and unfair taxes on the people. New tea party forms. New tea party is labeled racist by those who are dependent upon the government for their welfare checks
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts, also called the the Restraining Acts and the Coercive Acts, were a series of British Laws, passed by the Parliament of Great Britain 1774. Four of the Intolerable Acts were specifically aimed at punishing the Massachusetts colonists for the actions taken in the incident known as the Boston Tea Party. The fifth of the Intolerable Acts series was related to Quebec was seen as an additional threat to the liberty and expansion of the colonies.
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    1st continental congress

    The idea of an intercolonial meeting was advanced in 1773 by Benjamin Franklin, but failed to gain much support until after the Port of Boston was closed in response to the Boston Tea Party. When in May, 1774, the Boston Committee of Correspondence circulated letter urging the colonies to stop trading with England, the response from New York's Committee of 51, where the discussion was dominated by merchants, declined to participate in a boycott of English trade and suggested instead a continenta
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    A battalion of British troops under Lieutenant-Colonel Smith was sent from Boston to seize arms and munitions collected by colonists at Concord. At Lexington, Concord, and on the way back to Boston they were opposed by local colonist militia units that considerably outnumbered them (3,500 to 800 overall).The colonists first opened fire on the column at Lexington, on the road to Concord, leading to a general engagement
  • Boston Campaign : Battle of Bunker Hill

    Boston Campaign : Battle of Bunker Hill
    In charelstown Peninsula on the Norht side of the Boston Habour. The paptriots heard about the britsh were planning to attack Bunker Hill (they heard about it through there spies).
  • Delcaration Of Independence

    Delcaration Of Independence
    On july 4 the delcaration of Independence was formally accepted. On August 2, more members signed their names after the date.
    The first continental congress made alist of complaints to king george the III. George ignored them. Then the second continental congress came to Philadelpha and decided it was time to create a document that delcared America's Independence from great britian. Since the king ignored them, their only choice was to rebel.
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    Battle of Saratoga

    A battle during the American Revolution.
    The british wanted to have control over the hudson river valley, to cut off new englend from the colonies. General Burgoyune was attacked 3 different time, the thrid time was when he and his forces were defeated and forced to surender.
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    Valley Forge

    Valley forge was a place where the Contintenal Army's winter was spend. The biritsh were occupying Philadephia. The winter was VERY cold, and 1/5 of the troops went without shoes and 2,000 were sick within weeks.
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    Battle of Yorktwon

    On america's side there was 8,800 american trops and 7.800 french troops. On britans's side there was 9,000 troops.
    The british prime minister, Lord Fredrick North resigned after Cornwallis's surdender.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    One of the longest canals built in the 19th century . It goes from the Hudson river to Lake Erie. They built it because they wanted to get goods back and forth from the Great Lakes to NYC. They built it between 1817 and 1825. The building of the canal also helped settle Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and more.
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    Born a slave but escaped at age 20. His 3 autobiographies are some important works of slave narrtive tradition. For 16 years he editing a black news paper. He was the voice of the people
  • Harriet Tubman (Underground Railroad)

    Harriet Tubman (Underground Railroad)
    She tried to get slaves to freedom. She was an african-american who darling escaped slaverly and helped 100's of slaves escape too. She became the most famous "conductors" of the underground railroad ever.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    This act delcared at all slave who escaped must be brought back to their owner. It was passed by congress in sep. 18, 1850.