cambridges course of history

  • Musket Wars

    an estimated 20,000 Maori were killed in what have been described as the Musket Wars. glad I was not there
  • treaty of waitangi

    Signed in 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi is an agreement between the British Crown and Māori. Around this time, there were 125,000 Māori and about 2000 settlers in New Zealand.
  • Period: to

    land war

    when people were fighting over land because the moari
  • the first maori king

    the first maori king was crowned to rule over the maori
  • cambridge

    was born
  • Period: to

    king tafea

    the second maori king
  • high level bridge

    was made
  • town hall

    was made for stuff?
  • world war one

    tragic advent for the world because people did not lick each other.
  • sister city

    le Quesnoy
  • anzac day

    was made for people
  • world war two

    MORE WAR WHY DO PEOPLE NOT JUST SAY SORRY AND EACHOTHER ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! (these people need a time out)
  • world war two tunnel

    a tunnel was constructed to escape dangrise stuff
  • the clock tower

    the clock tower
    was constituted to tale time
  • museum

    was a hit for learning stuff
  • low level bridge

    because they got tired of going up
  • race way

    the cambridge race way was made.
  • me

    I was born at 1:01 53 seconds
  • mini train tracks

    made to give kids a taste of of driving a train