
By Hobbs
  • War

    After its defeat in World War II, Japan relinquished its Indochinese territories.
  • Independence

    Cambodia officially gained its independence from France.
  • King Sihanouk

    King Sihanouk abdicated in favour of his father, Norodom Suramarit.
  • ties with South Vietnam

    Cambodia severed ties with South Vietnam.
  • Sihanouk

    breaks off relations with the US and allows North Vietnamese guerrillas to set up bases in Cambodia
  • The US

    begins a secret bombing campaign against North Vietnamese forces on Cambodian soil
  • Prime minister

    Prime Minister Lon Nol overthrows Sihanouk in coup. He proclaims the Khmer Republic and sends the army to fight the North Vietnamese in Cambodia
  • Overthrown

    overthrown as the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot occupy Phnom Penh. Sihanouk briefly becomes head of state, the country is re-named Kampuchea
  • Fight breaks out

    Fighting with vientnam