Cambodia After france

  • Cambodia is free

    In 1950, Laos and Cambodia are officially independent from the french
  • Guerrillas infiltrate Cambodia

    French sources reported that Viet Minh guerrillas had infiltrated Cambodia and opened an arms-smuggling corridor to Thailand.
  • Hun Sen is born

    Hun Sen, later Cambodia prime minister, was born in a village northeast of Phnom Penh.
  • Cambodia (officially) is free

    King Norodom Sihanouk gained independence for Cambodia from France. Pol Pot helped set up the Communist Party
  • Communism spreads

    Cambodia was receiving military aid from Communist China.
  • Sihanouk on the throne

    King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia put his father on the throne and assumed the position of prime minister. Sihanouk had renounced the throne to run in Cambodia’s first elections
  • War in Vientiane

    The Laos government fled to Cambodia as the capital city of Vientiane was engulfed in war.
  • Cambodia charges the U.S

    Cambodia charged that the United States and South Vietnam had crossed the border and killed three Cambodians.
  • Secret bombing of Cambodia

    Mar 18, President Richard M. Nixon authorized Operation Menu, the 'secret' bombing of Cambodia
  • US invades Cambodia

    The US invasion of Cambodia took place. Congress and the press learned of the invasion on April 30.
  • another invasion

    50,000 US and South Vietnamese troops invaded Cambodia
  • Last operating Rail Line gone

    North Vietnamese troops cut the last operating rail line in Cambodia
  • Invasion of the Parrot’s beak

    President Nixon ordered US and South Vietnamese troops to secretly invade the “Parrot’s Beak" region of Cambodia, thought to be a Viet Cong stronghold. Operation Patio was a covert aerial interdiction effort conducted by the United States Seventh Air Force in Cambodia from 24-29 April 1970 during the Vietnam Conflict. It served as a tactical adjunct to the heavier B-52 bombing missions being carried out in Operation Menu.
  • Mayaguez is seized

    The Cambodian government seized an American merchant ship, the Mayaguez
  • Pol Pot put to death

    In Cambodia a Phnom Penh court tried, convicted and sentenced Pol Pot and his deputy, Leng Sary, to death in absentia for genocide during the Khmer Rouge regime. A "Hate Day" was created to recall Khmer Rouge crimes. Denise Affonco’s testimony during the trial was later published as “To the End of Hell: One Woman’s Struggle to Survive Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge."
  • Aids in Cambodia

    HIV was first detected in Cambodia. By 1999 some 100 people were being infected with the AIDS virus per day.
  • Un brought to the Khmer Rouge trial

    Cambodia’s Hun Sen wrote to the UN and asked for help in bringing remaining Khmer Rouge to trial.
  • Pol Pot is dead

    Pol Pot (73) died of a heart attack in Anlong Veng, northern Cambodia. His body was cremated. It was later reported that he killed himself with malaria pills and tranquilizers after learning that an aide planned to hand him over to the US. In 1999 it was reported that Ta Mok had Pol Pot executed. In 2001 the place of his death was designated as a historic site and plans were made to make it a tourist attraction. In 2004 Philip Short and John Murray authored “Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare."
  • War-crimes legislation signed

    Cambodia’s King Sihanouk signed war-crimes legislation to try senior Khmer Rouge leaders.
  • Silipak Khmer Amatak

    Arn Chorn-Pond started the Silipak Khmer Amatak (Cambodian Living Arts) organization. It aimed to locate and support Cambodian master artists