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  • 1998

    A grenade attack in Phom Penh, tried to aim the grendade at the target "Sam Rainsy" he killed a nother man leaving Rainsy un hurt
  • 1998

    There was riots in Sihanoukville to preotest about toxic waste
  • 1999

    A cambodian Monk died in Stockton age: 110
  • 1993

    Sihanouk was re- king of the Cambodians
  • 1996

    cambodia's king reserved his choice for amnesty, becuase kids reported a warning of nation insecruity
  • 1997

    There was a Grenade attact on a Rally, 16 killed and hurt, Khmer lead 200 people
  • 1997

    Pol pot was reported he'd surrender was cancelled
  • 1997

    Hun Sen rejected the peace
  • 1998

    Khmer killed 22 Vietnames at Chhanok Tru, A fishing Place
  • 1998

    A rocket attack killed 4 people and 4 kids. in cambodia
  • 1968

    Cambodia charges the USA and South Vietnam crossing the border and killed 3 combodians.
  • Cambodia charged, 1968

    Cambodia charged the US and South Vietnam, because they croosed the border and murdered 3 cambodians
  • Cambodian Military

    They launched a series of operations for revenge of Khmer Rouge
  • The airforce 1969-1973

    The airforce dropped tons of bombs on cambodia, and killed 700,000 people, the bombing caused people to rural, caused a destruction/collapesed of an agricultural system that continued to rise
  • 1970

    Nioxn oredered US and S.Vietnam to secretly invade the "Parrots beak" region of the Cambodians.
  • 1970

    Nixon ANNCOUNCED the US was sending troops into cambodia and which made the war, then protest started to increased. US troops, Invaded cambodia.
  • 1970 May 31

    May 31, In Cambodia 9 journalists (American, Cambodian, Indian, Japanese,and French) were surprisingly/ambush attacked by Khmer Rouge. 4 CBS were killed on the dot/ instantly
  • 1971 Oct. Francois Bizot, was kidnapped

    1971 Oct. Francois Bizot, was kidnapped, by Khmer Rouge in Cmabodia, After 3 months of him by camp, the cammander Kauing Guek Eav(Duch) Bizot authored "The Gate" he also authored "Facing Torturer"
  • Jan 3 1978

    Vietnamese troopes were reported to be taking up space 400 square mi.
  • 1973

    March 17th, Twenty people were murdered, in Cambodia after a bomb exploded, the bomb was meant for the President
  • Pol Pot/Khemer

    Pol Saloth Sar (PolPot) Led Khmer Ruled "To keep you is no gain, to kill you is no loss" "to destroy you is no loss" Khmer and Pol Pot made it to where an estimation of 1.7 million people were killed by starvation and death
  • Musem

    The Museum opened up again in cambodia, it was closed because Khmer said it had to be closed
  • Documents

    Documents from Penh, it had detailed of the genocide by Khemer, they were found and they were copied in storaged in libraries all over america
  • HIV

    was first found in cambodia, 100s of people got sick of infections, by the aids every day
  • dec 31

    Cambodia broke the realtionshoip wuth Vietnam