Black ops

Call of duty black ops

By lilcali
  • Flash back from Viktor Reznov

    Flash back from Viktor Reznov
    In 1945 Reznov,Dragovich,Kravchenko and Dimitri were a unit sent to find steiner.Hideing were a unit ss in the Artic circle.During the operation Reznov was betrayed Dimitri died of a new gas called nova gas a gas made by steiner.Dimitri is the one in the picture.In name of dimitri we pray.
  • Period: to

    Black ops time line

  • Flash back from the bay of pigs

    Flash back from the bay of pigs
    In 1961 mason,woods and bowman attempt to assassinate fidel castro.During an event called the bay of pigs.They meet in a restraunt and make a plan saddley at the end mason gets captured.
  • Flash back at prison

    Flash back at prison
    Mason is stuck at prison but befriends someone named viktor reznov.Reznov tells mason who took him to prison there:Dragovich,Lev Kravchenko and frierich steiner a ex-Nazi scientest.The man in the picture is Viktor Reznov
  • Escape prison

    Escape prison
    Mason and Reznov make a plan to try and escape prison everything goes as planed and they succed.Mason jumps on a train and leaves.But reznov doesnt make it in one peace.
  • pentegon building secret bunker

    pentegon building secret bunker
    1 month later he is escourted to the pentigon building.And john f.kennedy gives him a mission to go to vietnam.
  • Distrupt space program

    Distrupt space program
    1963,mason,woods,bowman and weaver are dispached to Baknour to distupt the soviet space program.And elimanate members of the soviet Accension program.At the start of the operation weaver is captured.And mason sees Kravchenko torture him stabbing his left eye.But they rescue him later.
  • John F kennedy Death

    John F kennedy Death
    In 1963 john f kennedy was shot in the head and died.people say the first shot was fired at him but missed and hit govner.The second shot his throat and the third shot his head.
  • Crash sight

    Crash sight
    By 1968 the macv-sog was established in vietnam to investigate the soviets presence.After defending khe,shaun,The sog is deployed to hue during the Tet Offensive mason is suppose to recover something from a crash sight.
  • Woods death

    Woods death
    While Mason, Woods, and Bowmen get captured.Bowman gets hit in the head with a metal baton after escaping their imprisonment Woods sacrifices himself to save Mason.
  • interigation room

    interigation room
    Un aware of his ware abouts mason finds himself in a interigation room.Where some one is asking him question and strange numbers on a tv.