Call Of duty release
Call of duty is a shooter game, very famous all over the world.
This version was only for the microsoft windows. The Developers of this game is Treyarch. -
COD 2 for Consoles
Call of Duty 2 releases the game for PS, PS2, Xbox and Xbox 360.
The diference of this game from the version before are better graphics and a diferent story. -
Call Of Duty 3
Call of Duty 3 is release for the same platforms. But a new console join the franchise and is WII. Nintendo also join the FPS group. -
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
This is a more modern and diferent kind of FPS where the technology rule the world. You can see new weapons and new kind of games. Also the developers change from treyach, which in this year was developing for Wii, to Activision. -
Call Of Duty: World at War
The franchise went a little back on the history to revive the second world war by adding all the weapons that were only available on that time. Also Treyarch came back and the distributor change from Activision to Activision Blizzard. -
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
The franchise continue with the modern wars taking the technology back as it was in Modern Warfare but with new scenarios and weapons. -
Call Of Duty: Black Ops
This time the franchise make a huge change in the way of playing the game, also they added a new feature and is ZOMBIES. The developers are Treyarch and the distributor is Activision. -
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
Modern Warfare is back and with better grafics as they change of developer which is Infinity Ward. Same consoles as they where in COD: World at war. PS3 and Xbox 360 -
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Zombies are back and with new maps and new modes on zombie multiplayer and weapons. Treyarch came back and Activision is again the distributor. -
Call Of Duty: Ghosts
Infinity ward is backa s the developer and now new consoles are out like PS4, Xobx One and Wii U. Now in the Co-op history mode you can have a dog that is you company in the game and guardian.