
California in 1849 ("California Gold Rush.")

  • James Marshal Finds Gold in Coloma

    James Marshal Finds Gold in Coloma
    "James Wilson Marshall." It was January 24th in 1848 when a quaint man innocently found a few small flakes of gold while working on building a mill for a man named John Sutter.
  • Fourty-Niners Rush to California

    Fourty-Niners Rush to California
    "California-Mines." In 1849, 80,000 miners from across the world all rushed to California to try to get rich in 1849, and 300,000 in total.
  • Government Established in the Mining Town

    Government Established in the Mining Town
    "Law and Order During the Gold Rush." With such a fast influx of so many people to a town that was previosly an empty wilderness, the people began to establish a government of sorts.
  • San Fransisco Becomes a Metropolis

    San Fransisco Becomes a Metropolis
    "San Francisco Gold Rush." The tiny little town of San Fransisco becomes a metropolis, with the gold rush.
  • $1,500,000 Gold Shipment Leaves San Fransisco

    $1,500,000 Gold Shipment Leaves San Fransisco
    "Port of San Francisco." In May of 1850 one of the biggest shipments of gold left the port of San Fransisco, at the value of $1,500,000.
  • Gold Rush Subsides

    Gold Rush Subsides
    "San Francisco Gold Rush Mail Service - 1854." After 1850, the gold was pretty much picked clean of the surface, but many were still rushig to the ever-growing city of San Fransisco.
  • Gold Profits Level Out, Rush Ends.

    Gold Profits Level Out, Rush Ends.
    "California Historical Landmark #81: Montgomery Landing Place in San Francisco." Gold Profits mined from California leveld out to about $45,000,000 every year, and the rush ended.