Leaving Home- Click for further information
I am leaving my home to move West. I am doing so to provide for my family and earn money by collecting gold from California. -
Stop to set up Camp on Wisconsin border
It was warm and breezy, no need to set up a huge tent that was warm, I planned on saving that for later. We stayed and rested for two days. -
Continue our journey West
We have just finished resting and are eager to continue on our journey to the California Gold Rush. CHA-CHING -
Stop to set up Camp #2
We need to rest for another two days, our oxen are getting tired and my husband and children need a rest. We are running low on fooda and water, so my husband will venture out tonight to hunt. -
Leave camp and continue our journey
It seems like we will never reach our destination. Last night my husband found a fox and we ate well. Although, we did not find water.... we will se what comes next. -
We have a Problem
Uh-Oh! My family and I ran into a large river. This definitely is not good, the river gets 12 feet deep in the middle and it is 12 miles wide, it isn't worth it to go around. I just traded a spare part of my wagon to get cauck. I am going to cauck my wagon, in order to get across the river safely. -
Exhausted Time for camp #3
We are exhausted, we found a store on the opposite side of the river and we bought new merchendise. We now have plenty of food and are gettng closer to California. We are in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It is cold and warm, which is odd. -
Reach GOLD!
We made it here and we are safe! We found gold and are happy, I can tell we will be here for a while.