I remembred all of the rules involved with antidifferentiation. It took me a while to remember the limit definition of the integral, but I'm okay now. -
Differential Equations
I remembered the process on how to solve diffy q's and the equations for Newton's Law of Cooling and Population growth. good day! -
Sequences and Series
I remembered most of the different series. I may have to go over telescoping again, but just as a refersher, I don't need to completely relearn anything. -
Taylor and MacLaurin Polynomials
This was a little harder to remember. I kept forgetting to insert (x-c) when we weren't centerred around 0, and I almost comletely forgot how to differentiate and integrate these series. -
Calculus BC Exam Part 1 Free Response
3 Was really easy, #2 was pretty easy, #1 My group thought was okay until the very last part. There was probably some really easy way to do it that we were completely overlooking. -
Calculus BC Exam Multiple Choice No Calculator
This one wasn't bad at all! (Or so I think.) I seemed to know how to most of them. They really weren't all that bad if you remembered formulas, or found clever ways tow write out things. -
Calculuis BC Exam Free Response Part 2 No Calculator
Problems 1 and 2 were easy. I'm pretty sure we made some really dumb mistakes in the beginning Problem 3, and I had no idea how to do hte last part of Problem 3 either. -
Practice Exam MC, no calculator
I thought this part was easier than the calculator part,, not really any problems -
Went over Calss Practice Test
I saw what I did wonrg. Mostly silly mistakes, I learned to be more careful -
Advanced Integration Techniques
These were all really fresh in the mind for me, no problems here. -
Applications of Integration
Went over volumes: Shell, Washer, and Disk methods... I kept getting the formulas confused, but I remembered perpenDISKcular, and ParaSHELL! -
LaGrange Practice
I didn't really need this practice that much. I remembered the formula and how to use it. Not complaining for the extra practce though... -
I wasn't in school today -
It was REALLY easy!