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Calc BC Journal

  • April 11

    April 11
    Today, webegan reviewing for the AP with some AB stuff. It was fairly easy, as we did a review of basic integration. I'm glad we went over u-substitution because I forgot you can use it to "massage" integrals to make them easy to solve. I would have used IBP if we didn't go over that.
  • Period: to

    Spring Break

  • April 22

    April 22
    Today we reviewed logistics and half-life equations, and various differential equations. I was really glad we reviewed logistics because i struggled with the fact that there were multiple differential equations you could use for them. Now I know which ones correlate with what diffyeq, and how to identify it.
  • 23 April 2014

    23 April 2014
    Today we went over series and sequences. I am pretty familiar with the rules of series, but it was helpful to have a refresher on sequences. Specifically, it was good to keep in mind that if a sequence is bounded and monotonic (always inc or dec), it converges. Also, just because a sequence convergences, doesnt mean its series will converge, as the series is the sum of all of the terms in a sequence.
  • 24 Apr 2014

    24 Apr 2014
    Today we went over Taylor Polynomials. I am so relieved thst we went over the legrange error bound, as that is my biggest weak point. I now remember you use a max distance from the center for fn(z), which was a good thing to note.
  • 25 April 2014

    25 April 2014
    Today we continued to review multiple choice answers, which was really good considering I did not do as well as I wanted on the mulltiple choice practice. We also revoewed Power series/taylor series. I was relieved we went over derivatives of power series as this was something I am shaky on, but after doing the homework, I feel more confident.
  • 28 April 2014

    28 April 2014
    Today we practiced advanced integration techniques and l'hospitals rule (haha I'm funny cause I can't spell). Going over integration by parts was good since I forgot LIPET. I tend to forget that exponential and trig can be switched, as that is when you solve for the unknown integral.
  • 29 Apr 2014

    29 Apr 2014
    Today, we practiced applications of the integral, including Volumes of revolution. I definitely wasn't confident with volumes when given a known cross section (like squares) so I am glad we practiced a few problems. I will definitely do some more practice with this before the AP though, since I am not fully confident.
  • 30 Apr 2014

    30 Apr 2014
    Today, the class reviewed polar equations while I took the test. The test was diffiuclt, probably the most diffiifcult for me all year. I think this is important to note because this means I should review polar equations more before the AP test.
  • 1 May 2014

    1 May 2014
    Today I was absent but I spent the day doing ome review of polar curves. I had to remind myself how to convert points back and forth, because I had forgotten that.
  • 2 May 2013

    2 May 2013
    Today, I took the practice multiple choice and free respsonse for review. Right now, I feel pretty confident about the exam as I felt like I knew most of the answers. I need to work on inegrating and differentiating power series.
  • 5 May 2014

    5 May 2014
    Today, we did a few practice FRQs and went over the take home test. I wa pleasently surprised with my performance on the test. I hope I can keep it up for the AP. As for the practice FRQ, I also felt pretty good, I just need to make sure I write out "negative" instead of "=-"
  • 6 May 2014

    6 May 2014
    Today, we went over helpful hints for the AP and went on a walk. I am feeling a lot more relaxed. That night, I reviewed my KYSC sheet and other important papers to confirm that I knew the basics.
  • 7 May 2014

    7 May 2014
    Today is the day! I feel like I did well. I think I got a 5, because I was a lot more confident with my answers than I did during the practice. The FRQs were hard but I think I picked up a lot of points.