Cal-O-Rex Logo Issue

By marincv
  • First batch for pre-series arrival

    First batch arrived for inspection report.
    Rejected due they arrive concave and therefore the glue does not adhere properly.
  • Notification of Issue to the top management

    Juan Pablo escalated issue with Marco Marques and Stefano Ferroni.
    We talk with the supplier yesterday, he believes issue is more related with application, how clean the area is prior putting the logo.
    Anyway he will bring different adhesives in case adhesive has to be changed.
    In parallel the team is doing some test pre-heating the decals prior placing them in the external jacket to understand if this could be a containment action, in case the supplier is not able to react fast.
  • Actions taken

    Actions taken
    I enclose some points that were reviewed with the supplier. The batch received are in the same condition (around 18,000 pieces, 1.5 months of coverage)
  • Validation from Marketing and Quality

    Validation from Marketing and Quality
    Resistance bleach test
    Resistance soda Test
    Temperature test
  • Request of material less thickness

    Request of material less thickness
    Based on previous test was requested material with new proposal of less tickness.
  • Adhesion Test

    Adhesion Test
    It can be clearly seen that current SOP have adhesion empty areas, and the proposed one even if has better adhesion compared vs todays version, it create areas without full contact because of the emboss of the wording Calorex, in any of both we have similar performance than the baseline product phased out, if we want to avoid any future issue as we had in the past we should eliminate the emboss or look for another proposal of adhesive layer and to avoid additional processes cleaning/heating
  • Liquid Alcohol Isopropyl

    Quoted April 26th.
    Part Number created May 5th.
    Inventory available May 11th.
    Prior to this we use Spray Alcohol Isopropyl version
  • Samples proposal less thicness approved

    Samples proposal less thicness approved
    Received July 8th.
    Approved by Marketing July 11th.
    Approved by Quality July 11th.