A Dividing in Society / Financial Problems
In the 1780's, bad harvests lead to high prices for food (and riots). There was a solution to this problem..simply have the 1st and 2nd estate pay taxes. -Jacqes Necker. From this the higher class estates did not like this idea and he was fired. This lead to more riots, and people were starving and dying. The king had brought the estates together fore a vote. (1 per estate). Obviously this was unfair to the 3rd estate because the 1st and 2nd had all the "power" and money. -
Storming the Bastille / Independence Day
The people of Paris overhear that the King (King Louis XVI) will be sending troops to Paris to take out people who upset or angered the king. This sends the people into fear and rage, so..riots. Considering the Bastille is a symbol of abuse and "authority" (a prison) of the king, the people were outraged. So they took charge, killed the Commander and took the prison over, ripping it apart with there bare hands and celebrating with the commanders head on a stake. -
"The great Fear" and "The Great Terror" happened at this time. Where the people were starving while the King and Queen lived with ease. The people were very much aware of this and took action. They forced the Queen and King to be in Paris, until they tried to escape. This lead to wars, Riots, Violence and death, not only to 600,000 people, but to the King and Queen and Robespirre by guillotine. Only to start it over by electing one person (again) as emperor..once again..not a good idea. -
Period: to
French Revolution
This was a time of Riots, war, piece, vengeance without mercy and the overthrowing of the King and Queen. This was a time that people took charge in getting there freedom as well as the rights they deserved and necessities for living. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
He was a successful general, the first consul (for life) and elected emperor of the people. He changed the saying "Order, security, efficiency" to "liberty, equality, fraternity". Altho he had strict religious tolerance, allowed land to all (including peasents), jobs were to be based on talent, and better fed people at controlled prices. He also had a code. Napoleonic code meant enlightenment ideas in government.From this, nationalism rises. -
The "Corsican Ogre" and the end of the Revolution
Napoleon or the "Corsican Ogre" was known for this because he would overthrow and place friends and family in thoughts places of rule. Altho.. he could not beat Russia! But oh, he tired. Leading 600,000 troops to dominate and failed, only bringing back 20,000 troops. (Louis is back on the throne) He was sent to Elba, escaped, raised another war and failed for the last time in the battle of Waterloo. Nationalism stopped and monarchs were put back on the throne. Making piece and balance of power.