Caio and Igor Physics

  • Discovery of electricity

    Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by performing the kite experiment. Formula: Power= Electric potential x Current
  • Real and conventional current

    Benjamin Franklin was performing an experiment, in which he was able to collect opposite and negative charges, leading to the discovery of the conventional current which flows from positive to negative
  • Coulomb law

    Charles-Augustin de Coulomb discovered the formula to discover the amount of force between two stationary bodies. Formula: F=k(q1q2/r2)
  • Left Hand Rule

    John Ambrose Fleming developed the left-hand rule that could relate motion, magnetic field, and current,
  • Right Hand Rule

    John Ambrose Fleming invented the right-hand rule that related current with the magnetic field lines. It was invented in the 19th century
  • Magnetic Field

    Hans Christian Oersted discovered the magnetic field when he was performing another experiment and realized that electric current forms a magnetic field
  • Magnetic force in a wire with current

    Hans Christian Oersted discovered that the magnetic field exerts force into the wire which has a current Formula: F = IL x B
  • Ohm First Law

    Georg Simon Ohm invented the ohm first law, which states that the current in a circuit is directionally proportional to the voltage of the circuit Formula: V = IR
  • Second Ohm's Law

    Second Ohm's Law
    Georg Simon Ohm discovered Second Ohm's Law, which stated that the resistance depends on the size of the conductor
  • Resistor

    Georg Simon Ohm discovered that some materials had certain difficulties in passing the electricity, he described this phenomenon as resistance
  • Electric Field

    Michael Faraday proved the behaviors of charges and current, this gave a new perspective into the electric fields. Formula:E=F/Q
  • Inductors

    Michael Faraday discovered inductors when was performing another experiment. When he was building a galvanometer
  • First Kirchhoff's Law

    Gustav Kirchhoff's law said that the current in a junction is equal to the sum of currents following out of the junction Formula: I1 = I2 + I3
  • Second Kirchhoff's Law

    Gustav Kirchhoff second law said that the voltage drops when it passes across components Formula: emf = Ir + IR1 + IR2 = 0
  • Transistors

    William Brad Ford Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Houser Brattain were the first to discover the transistors. Which they use to produce telephones