Caiguda de l'Imperi Romà d'Occident

  • 3500 BCE

    old age

    old age
    The ancient age begins around 3500 B.C. with the invention of writing and ends in the year 476 with the end of the Roman Empire of the West. In this period of almost 4,000 years there is the appearance of the first great civilizations in history.
  • 753 BCE

    The Roman Empire began in the year 753 BC brothers Romulus and Remus

    The Roman Empire began in the year 753 BC brothers Romulus and Remus
    The twin brothers Romulus and Remus were abandoned since childhood. The basket ran aground and was found by a wolf, who later became the mother of two legends. The wolf looked after both babies for a while before a pastor found them.
  • 753 BCE

    The origins

    The origins
    La leyenda indica que la ciudad se fundó en el año 753 A.C. Por Rómulo, quien junto a su hermano Remo fueron abandonados cuando niños y sobrevivieron gracias a que una loba los “adoptó”. Los vestigios dicen que fueron los etruscos quienes llegaron a la zona de Lacio y a orillas del Río Tíber se instalaron. El núcleo principal estaba en el Monte Palatino y se fue extendiendo hacia el Campidoglio.
  • 509 BCE

    Rome became Republic 509 BC republic of rome

    Rome became Republic 509 BC republic of rome
    Rome developed under the rule of a great city, ruled at first by the king. In 509 BC, the Romans formed a new structure of government: the Republic. The Roman structure was largely followed for centuries by different countries. The Roman Republic began when the Romans overthrew their conquering sturgeon.
  • 449 BCE

    The laws of the twelve tables 449 BC

    The laws of the twelve tables 449 BC
    The Law of the Twelve Tables was one of the first codes of surviving laws. There was a struggle between the patricians (privileged class), the commoners (common people) to protect legal, social and civil rights. A ten-man commission named Decenvirato was appointed in 433 BC to write a code of law that was appropriate for both parties.
  • 254 BCE

    Augusto finished with the pontifex maximus 12 BCE

    Augusto finished with the pontifex maximus 12 BCE
    Pontifex Maximus was the highest religious office in ancient Rome. It only opened to the patricians until 254 BC. Later, commoners began to occupy the post and suddenly became politicized. When Augustus consolidated power. He had given the right to appoint other pontiffs. When the election of the pontiffs ended. The new Emperor received all the religious dignity and responsibility of the entire Roman state.
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibal invaded Italy 218 BC

    Hannibal invaded Italy 218 BC
    Hannibal was a Carthaginian military commander who was popularly known as one of the best and most talented commanders in history. After the first Punic war there was a temporary peace between Carthage and the Romans since both economies depended on the Mediterranean sea
  • 50 BCE

    Rome introduces the gold coin “aureus” 50 BCE

    Rome introduces the gold coin “aureus” 50 BCE
    Rome introduced its first gold coin name Aureus. It was valued in 25 silver denarii. Aureus was used in most commercial exchanges from the 1st century BC to the 4th century AD, which was then replaced by Solidus. The size of the Aureus was like the denarius, but little heavier due to the higher density of gold
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome 45 BC

    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome 45 BC
    Julius Caesar was born on July 12 of the year 100 BC in Rome. He is considered the best military strategist and one of the brilliant politicians of all time. César conquered Galia for the year 51 BC. He was the first Roman general to build a bridge over the Rhine and the first to begin the invasion of Great Britain. The achievement provided Caesar with supreme military power. Implemented the reforms of government and Roman society overthrowing the existing government.
  • 44 BCE

    Murder of Julio César 44 BC

    Murder of Julio César 44 BC
    Julio César was assassinated on March 15 (March Idus) 44 BC by his own senators. The plan was directed by Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus who stabbed Julio César at a location near the Pompey Theater.
  • 31 BCE

    L'Alt Imperi (31 BC - 305 AD)

    L'Alt Imperi (31 BC - 305 AD)
    Between els anys 14 and 68 els van succeir els hereus d’August: Tiberi, Caligula, Claudi and Neró. That dynastic success is that the Emperor Neró is going to die and a civil war l'any 68 will enslave. Three emperors are going to rage the power and finally the war will be guided by Vespasian, part of the Flavian dynasty.
  • 27 BCE

    Imperi Romà (27 BC - 476 AD)

    Imperi Romà (27 BC - 476 AD)
    L’Imperi Romà is going to found that August Cèsar is going to proclaim the first emperor of Rome in 31 BC and will end both in Constantineble in 1453 aC