The Chinese come to Australia
In the early 1850s, Many Chinese came to Australia.
The first boatload of Chinese arrived in Victoria and then lots of Chinese people arrived in Australia. There was a lot of discrimination about that . Jealousy arose sometimes due to the Chinese .There were significant attempts by the Europeans to stop Chinese people from entering colonies. -
The first load of Chinese miners arrive
In 1853, the first boatload of Chinese miners arrived in the colony of Victoria. -
Racist Times
Between 1854 and 1855, about 31,000 Chinese people arrived on the Australian goldfields. There was a lot of anti-Chinese discrimination and prejudice. -
A Terrible Law
In 1855, anti-Chinese legislation was passed in Australia and in the British colonial world for the first time. -
Taxes on the Asians
The Victorian Government imposed a tax of 10 pounds for every Chinese person that arrived in the colony, plus a restriction on the number of Chinese people allowed to disembark in Melbourne to one Chinese person for every 10 tonnes of shipping. -
Chinese walk to the gold diggings
The Chinese had to land in South Australia and walk hundreds of kilometres to the gold diggings in Victoria. -
Riots Against Chinese
In 1857, anti-Chinese discrimination grew when riots took place in north-eastern Victoria on the Buckland River. Miners attacked Chinese people in their camps, stole their gold and burnt their tents and belongings. -
Chinese protest
In 1859, the Chinese protested against discrimination and taxes,and many thousands of signatures were gained to support their cause. -
The Lambing Flat Riots
The Lambing Flat Riots were the worst riots.They were a series of violent anti-Chinese riots that took place near the town of Young in New South Wales. -
Racist Federation
Anti-Chinese discrimination also strongly contributed to the Federation of Australia. Some of the first Acts of the new federation established the White Australia Policy.