Cade's Cool Timeline

  • Declaration of Independence

    Was the announcement of the 13 colonies departing from Great Britain. Was signed by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Addams, and many more.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The "Articles of Confederation" was the first constitution of the United States. The purpose was to create a national government. Allowed states to maintain their sovereignty and independence.
  • George Washington Elected

    George Washington was elected the 1st President of the US. Was a leader in the American Revolution.
  • War of 1812

    A war between the US and Great Britain. The big reason for the fighting was because the US wanted to expand westward and Great Britain didn't like that.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Law passed in 1820, temporarily settled the division debate over slavery in new states. Was later replaced by the Kansas-Nebraska act.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott, a slave, challenged the court for his freedom. The US Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens. This decision led to the actuation that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected

    Abraham Lincoln was elected and became the 16th President of the US. He considered slavery wrong and thought it was morally wrong. Used his power to change slavery.
  • Pony Express

    Mail service that used horses to deliver mail. Started in the Americas and was most famously used between California and Missouri.