
  • 1 CE

    The Emperor Constantine

    The Emperor Constantine
    he Papal claim to temporal power in the High Middle Ages was based on the supposed Donation of Constantine.
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    Nika revolt

    Nika revolt
    he Nika Revolt was a devastating riot that took place in early medieval Constantinople, in the Eastern Roman Empire. It threatened the life and reign of Emperor Justinian.
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    Fourth crusade

    Fourth crusade
    The fourth crusade was originally studied Muslim war controlled jerulsalam by means of invasion move Egypt instated in April 1204 AD
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    The Great schism

    The Great schism
    The East–West Schism, also called the Great Schism and the Schism of 1054, was the break of communion between what are now the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox churches, which has lasted since the 11th century.
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    Emperor Basil Military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil Military conquests of Bulgaria
    Basil II was a Byzantine Emperor from the Macedonian dynasty who reigned from 10 January 976 to 15 December 1025. He was known in his time as Basil the Primogeniture and Basil the Young to distinguish him from his supposed ancestor, Basil I the Macedonian.
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    Hagia Sophia completed

    Hagia Sophia completed
    Hagia Sophia, the church dedicated to the Holy Wisdom which was rebuilt by Emperor Justinian in 537 is both the most imposing monument of the Byzantine Empire and a summary of its history.
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    Early islamic Military Campaigns

    Early islamic  Military Campaigns
    The early Muslim conquest referred the Arab conquests and early Islamic conquests began with the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the 7th century.
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    Fall of Constantinople to the ottoman

    Fall of Constantinople to the ottoman
    The capital of eastern roman empire was conquered by the ottoman army under the commend ottoman sultan meh med on 29 may 1453 AD
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    The General Belisarius militry Campaigns

    The General Belisarius militry Campaigns
    The belisarius was general of Byzantines empire. He seemed to understand complty when it was necesrry to strike
  • Period: 300 to Jan 1, 1500

    byzantine timeline

  • Dec 2, 1204

    The Emperor Alexios

    The Emperor Alexios
    The Alexis komnenos was Byzantine e emperor from 1081.1118 Ad
    Al thought he was not founder of komnenien