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Byzantine Timeline

  • 330

    Establishment of Constantinople

    Establishment of Constantinople
    Constantine I founded the city of Constantinople, which would be home to a mixture of races and cultures. Christianity was big, Roman laws were used, and Greek was the main language.
  • 330

    Construction of the Hippodrome Finishes

    Construction of the Hippodrome Finishes
    Around the time Constantinople was founded, the Hippodrome there was also finished. The construction of the arena began a century ago, and just like the Colosseum from Rome, it was popular.
  • 527

    Justinian I Becomes Emperor

    Justinian I Becomes Emperor
    When Justinian's uncle Justin I died, he became emperor (a good one) that tried to bring back things from the original Roman Empire. He was sometimes hated for his decisions like placing high taxes and causing a riot as a result.
  • 536

    The Worst Year to be Alive

    The Worst Year to be Alive
    During Justinian's rule, there was a major catastrophe in the year 536. A huge volcanic eruption caused famine and deaths of many while lowering temperatures. This affected other places around the world, not just Byzantium.
  • 718

    Siege of Constantinople

    Siege of Constantinople
    Although Muslims were surrounding the city of Constantinople for a year, the Byzantine Empire fought back using Greek fire and forced their siege to continue during cold conditions (this caused lots of casualties).
  • 730

    The Start of Byzantine Iconoclasm

    The Start of Byzantine Iconoclasm
    Emperor Leo III was aware of the conflict around icons in 726, and eventually banned them four years later (730). This decision would be continued on by future emperors, but it would temporarily be unused for a while.
  • 820

    City Takeover by Muslims

    City Takeover by Muslims
    Beginning in the 820s, Muslims were taking over cities around Greece and Rome. Some examples include Crete, Chandax, Enna, and Palermo. This was their slow process of conquering Sicily in the future.
  • 843

    The End of Byzantine Iconoclasm

    The End of Byzantine Iconoclasm
    Emperor Theophilus was the last emperor to support iconoclasm. One year after his death (843), his widow Empress Theodora restored icon veneration, which is still celebrated today as the Feast of Orthodoxy in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
  • 1022

    The Byzantine Empire and Its Frequent Conflicts

    The Byzantine Empire and Its Frequent Conflicts
    There was a time period where there were many rebellions, revolts, and uprisings, which occurred the 11th century CE. This century had more internal conflict than any of the past centuries Byzantium existed, showing that the empire was struggling due to its own people.
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    The Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches split apart in 1054 due to conflicts, disputes, and their differences. This separation is still around today, but only a few things have gotten better between them.
  • 1189

    Tension Between Byzantium and Crusaders Starts

    Tension Between Byzantium and Crusaders Starts
    The Byzantine Empire was not on good terms with the Crusaders, so Frederick I sent out some cavalry to attack as a small threat. Eyewitness Niketas Choniates wrote that the Byzantine leader there had to flee from his own people temporarily, but he didn't write about there being worse things coming soon.
  • 1204

    Crusaders Invade and Loot Constantinople

    Crusaders Invade and Loot Constantinople
    In the Fourth Crusade, Crusaders declared war on Constantinople after the Byzantine church tried to submit to Rome. Lots of looting and destruction occurred, causing the fall of the city.
  • 1261

    The Recovery of Constantinople

    The Recovery of Constantinople
    After the Byzantine Empire was fragmented into three different states, one of them became a small empire (the Empire of Nicaea). They went on to restore the whole empire through the reconquest of Constantinople even though there was some conflict happening around.
  • 1453

    The End of Byzantium

    The End of Byzantium
    After 55 days of having a siege on Constantinople, the Ottoman Empire managed to break through the walls and mark the end of both the Byzantine Empire and the Middle Ages. It was rumored that the last Byzantine emperor (Emperor Constantine XI) was killed during the siege.