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Byzantine Timeline

By syauger
  • 330

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital
    In 330 AD the Byzantine Empire was a powerful civilization. When Constantine founded and "created" 'New Rome'.
  • 532

    Nika Revolt

    Nika Revolt
    Nika Revolt also known as Nika Riot was one of the most violent riots in the city’s history, with nearly everyone in the city dead. This all took place against Emperor Justinian in the year 532 AD. There was 4 major functional teams known for chariot racing, the blue,green,red, and white . When riots started breaking out Justinian was safely watching from his safe box while watching the chaos. While many saw this as a time to attack Justinian for law changes.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia Completed

    Hagia Sophia Completed
    The Hagia Sophia was being built while the Nokia Riot was happening, 532-537 AD. It has been built from the center moving on outward. Longitudinal Basilica , with a huge 105 FT dome supported by pendentives, and two semi-domes. There are 3 aisles separated by columns with art work and marble piers rising up to support the dome from collapsing Constantine I was the one who wanted the Hagia Sophia to be built.
  • 551

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns
    Beilsarius also known as the Byzantine general, a military leading figure to many in Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. Belisarius was an important figure in Roman territory.
  • 700

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory
    Through the Middle East the Muslim community became more wide spread causing the Muslim state to spread. But this so called ‘Conquest’ soon started becoming a problem between the Arabs and Muslim with a wide spread of religion.
  • 997

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria.

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria.
    Basil Bulgarictonus , emperor Byzantine who extended rules across the Balkans .
  • 997

    Emperor Basil II military campaigns territory.

    Emperor Basil II military campaigns territory.
    Byzantine Emperor, Basil Bulgaroctous who was known for spreading rules across the Balkans . Bulgaroctous soon started increasing his domestic authority and started overpowering powerful nations .
  • 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    The Great Schism was separated between 2 divisions . The Eastren Christians Churches and the Westren Churches.
  • 1095

    Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II

    Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II
    Odo of Châtillion-sur-marne was the head of Roman Catholic Church, Odo.developed essential reforms began by Pope Gregory VII , launched a movement called the Crusade, which strengthened political entity.
  • 1204

    Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)

    Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)
    The Fourth Crusade , Sack of Constantinople, the holy land to attack on the city of Byzantine, Constantinople. The Christians put effort in trying to maintain war against Muslims.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks (official end to Byzantines.)

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks (official end to Byzantines.)
    After ten centuries of war , the Fall of Constantinople victories and came an end to the Byzantine emperor. When it fell in the hands of Ottoman Turks, in May 1453. The gall of Constantinople brought great shock upon the Christendom. Also widely knowing it ended in the Europeans Middle Ages.