Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine capital
It was named Constantine in 330AD, named after their emperor Constantine I. It was the richest and the largest city in ancient history. It was used for major cross roads for major civilizations. The city fell into the Ottoman Turks hands in 1453 -
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
He is a war general, his first war was the battle of Dara in 530. He defeated many wars like the Persiain 533. Also he defeated the Ostrgoths in Italy. His battle span went from 530AD to 547AD -
Nike Revolt
Took palce on Constantinople,it was the most violent riot in the history of constantinople. Chariot racing was a big cause of the riot, it was gaining influence in political matters and so their rivalry turned into the Nike revolt. After that the sport began to decline. -
The Hagia Sophia completed
The Hagia Sophia finished in 537. 537 until 1453 it served as an Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople. 1204 and 1261 it was converted into a Roman Cathlic church by the fourth crusaders. -
Sep 15, 1054
Great Schism
It was between eastern church and the western church. It was split within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417and plot over religious issues. -
Sep 15, 1202
Emperor Alexius I contacts Pope Urban II for military help
Pope Urban I made a very influential speech saying to war on Muslims and to recapture the holy land from Muslims. Alexius asked pope to bring troops to help Alexius defend himself from the Seljuk Turks. -
Oct 14, 1202
Fourth Crusade
200 ships set sail to win back the holy city of Jerusalem. Pope Innocent III had started this and originally wanted to recover Jerusalem from the Egyptians, but instead they invaded the Christian city of Constantinople. -
Sep 15, 1453
Fall of Constantinople to the ottoman turks
It was the capture of the capital of the Greek Roman Empire by and invading army called the Ottoman Empire -
Early Islamic military campaign
Early Islamic conquest began with the Prophet Muhammed in the 7th century in Arabian Peninsula. The conquered the Sassanid Empire and the conflict went on for centuries. -
Emperor Basil II military conquests of Belgaria
This fight between the Byzantine empire and the Bulgarian empire disputes over the Balkin Peninsula. Many battles the Byzantine empire came out on top. It was lead by Emperor Basil II. this war ended in 1018