Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital
- Roman Empire moved to E. Mediterrainian.
- Constantine had rebuilt the capital and renamed it Constantinople.
- 330 AD Constantinople was the new capital and the Roman Empire became Byzantine.
Nika Revolts ( riots)
- lasted only a week
- half of the city was destroyed and burned
- tens of thousands of people were killed
Period: 533 to
General Belsarius Military Campaigns
- sent to Persia by Justinian
- over took Sicily and Naples and Ravenna while in Ostrogoth
- respected for behaving honorably toward conquered
Hagia Sophia Completed
- Justinian rebuilt the church after riots to make Constantinople " grander than ever ".
- Hagia Sophia means "holy wisdom"
Period: Sep 24, 623 to Sep 24, 1050
Early Islamic Military Campaigns into Byzantine Teritory
- war caused by religious beliefs
- Muslims defeated the Sassanid Persian and Byzantine Roman empires
- they had fought in past years
Sep 24, 1014
Emperor Basil II Military Conquests of Bulgaria
- Emperor Basil gave Bulgarian leader court titles after his victory
- Also gave him positions in provincial administration and high commands in the army
Sep 24, 1054
Great Schism
- Permanent split between eastern and western Christianity
- became Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic
- Durin Middle Ages and after their contacts remained distant and guarded
Sep 24, 1095
Emperor Alexius I contacts Pope Urban II of Military Help in Middle East
- Alexius asked Pope for Christian knights to help fight Muslim Turks
- Even though popes and emperors from their section did not get along the pope agreed.
- Pope Urban encouraged the bishops and nobles to join
- eventually called for war to free the Holy Land
Sep 24, 1204
The Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)
- crusaders were diverted from fighting Muslims to fighting other Christians
- helped merchants defeat trade rivals from Byzantine
- crusader captured and looted Constantinople
Sep 24, 1453
Fall of Constaninople to the Ottoman Turks
- took place on the harbor war ships and shot cannons at the defensive wall of capital.
- Constantinople still existed 1000 years after fall of Empire
- Contantinople present day Istanbul