Period: 300 BCE to 500 BCE
Byzantine empire
Period: 7 to 11
Early Islamic military campaigns into the byzantine territory
Took place during the 7th to 11th century under the order of rashidun and the army had eastern Roman's and Arab muslims -
First byzantine Capitol
Founded by constantin the 1st and named it nova Roma translated to new rome -
Nika revolt
The nika revolt took place against Emperor Justinian I in Constantinople over a week -
General belisauras
Fought the ostrogothic army in Italy with 7500 and then 4000 men armies -
Emperor basil the 2nd conquest on Bulgaria
30,000 men army went to the city of Sofia and went into siege with the city -
Pope urban gets contacted by alexios
Pope urban the 2nd makes the most influential speech of the middle ages in order to reclaim the holy land -
Fourth crusade
Latin Christian expedition led by pope innocent the 3rd -
Period: 1378 to 1417
The great schism
It was a split between the roman-catholic church in the east-west -
Fall of continople under ottoman turks
They used cannons to destroy the walls and had warships that carried the cannons that cut the sea defences all led by sultan Mehmed the 2nd