Period: 300 to Jan 1, 1500
Byzantine Timeline, By Mia C.w
Founding of Constantinople
Constantinople was founded by Constantine l, and aptly named after him. He drew up plans that would take 6 year to completed on this day and it was fully furnished with columns, marble, and tiles that would cover most of the public works and housing. The city also had aqueduct, sewage system, temples, and statues. Although at first the city was not very well regulated since it was brand new and jobs were just being assigned to the new capital of the Byzantine Empire -
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
Belisarus was a great general who worked under Justinian the First. He was notable of his ability to know to fight and when to heal. His campaign started when he was sent to crush the Nika revolt and did thusly. He went on to claim land, suppress revolts and one time very sneakily steal an empire for his Emperor. Belisarus defeated the Persians,Vandals of Africa,the Osthogoths in Italy,Naples,Rome, suppressed revolts in Persian and Italy and lastly had defended the capital from Bulgar invaders. -
Nika Revolt
This was known as one of the most violent riots in history, resulting in about 30,000 rioters dead and a general ( Belisarius ) having to step in to stop the riot.The riot would last a week with people running rampant, destroying property and killing another. The spark that ignited it was over a chariot race that had gone awry and at it's root was out of Justinian's new rule that had divided the public. -
Hagia Sophia Completed
This glorious temple had been commissioned by Justinian in 537 A.D dedicated to the Holy Wisdom and the riot it had been born out of by Justinian's survival and not being over thrown by his people.It was an imposing building that also payed testament to the ingenuity and strength of the Byzantine empire by it not being made out of any supportive metals. It also is quite representative of the empire as a whole from it architecture to it's history of being changed to the Islamic mosque today. -
End of Belisarius's Military Capaigns
This is just to mark the end date of the event (EOE, end of event marker) -
Early Islamic invasion into Byzantine Empire
There were a series of constant invasions that the Islamic people would take part, most notably the Arabs first had conquered Syria and Egypt around Asia Minor. The Byzantines took back the land and then the land was won back again to the Arabs. They also took to the sea, conquering Crete, Malta, Sicily, and even suburbs of Constantinople. Their ships also brought them to the coasts of France and Dalmatia as well.This brought about war between the two at first cowardly retreats into Crusades. -
End of Early Islamic Invasions into Byzantine
Emperor Basil ll Military Conquest in Bulgaria
Basil ll was ruthless, cunning, and vicious in his conquest of Bulgaria, earning him his nickname, the Bulgar Slayer. He would plot out battles with great foresight and unrelenting drive to take down his adversary that would evade capture many times until he fell from a stroke, Samuel of Bulgaria. After the last battle, what he did was one of the actions that got him his name, He would take 15,00 men prisoner and blind 99/100 men each ,out of anger of Samuel evading capture once again from him. -
End of Basil ll's Military Conquest
Great Schism
This was the mark of when the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches had broke communion and were against each other that would last until the 11th century. This had been a very gradual separation with differing forms of fulfillment of faith and ways way of worship that had been in the same empire of Rome until it had split in 400A.D which was when the disagreements picked up until they had chosen to be against each other, when they had been all along. -
Nov 27, 1095
The First Crusade
The start of the Crusades was when there was large amounts of lost territory in Asia Minor under Alexios the Firsts rule to Seljuk Turks. In turn the emperor asked Pope Urban the Third for help in getting this land back. The Pope then turned to the Council of Clermont and asked the princes for an armed "pilgrimage " to take back the city of Jerusalem. -
Fourth Crusade; The Attack on Constantinople
The Fourth Crusade was an expedition that was formed by Pope Innocent lll , it was originally meant to regain control over Jerusalem that had been occupied my Muslims, instead the Crusade was bribed by an exiled prince named Alexius Ducas to help him claim the Byzantine throne through laying siege of the largest city of Byzantine ; Constantinople. This was also was a symbol for great conflicts between the Roman and Eastern Orthodox churches and a mark of great betrayal by greed. -
May 29, 1453
The Fall of Constantinople
The fall of Comstantinople was also a marker of the Byzantine empire end as it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks and their leader Sultan Mehmed. There were three attacks that had happened, the first was by the Ottoman Turks themselves who had a force of 100,000 to 150,000 men that over whelmed the cities 10,000 men and forced then to retreat. The second battle was an army sent by Ishak, causing much more damage, and then the capital was over whelmed before their strength could be regained.