Byzantine Empire

  • 330

    Founding of Constantinople

    Founding of Constantinople
    It was made into a city called new Rome by the Roman emperor Constantine. With this city came great wealth and power. It’s ports allowed for sea trade making it an even bigger empire.
  • 527

    General Belisarius’ Military Campaigns

    General Belisarius’ Military Campaigns
    First appointed in 527 he served Justinian I and had is first victory in 530 to the Sassanians. He lost to them 531 but redeemed himself in 532 when he suppressed the Nika riots.
  • 532

    Nika riots

    Nika riots
    Justinian I hid in his box to watch chariot racing. The angry populace started to chant “Nika” which is win or victory. They then head to the palace lit everything on fire and destroyed most of the city
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia is completed

    Hagia Sophia is completed
    It was built by direction by the emperor Justinian I and was nickname day the chuch of holy wisdom. The building was placed in the capital city of the Byzantine Empire.
  • 630

    Early Islamic Military Campaigns into Byzantine Territory

    Early Islamic Military Campaigns into Byzantine Territory
    Muslims took over the southern part of the Byzantine Empire in 630. Over the nexts 50 years they would launch repeated attacks on Byzantine, and twice threaten the capital city.
  • 986

    Emperor Basil II military conquests on Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil II military conquests on Bulgaria
    Basil II was seeking to restore the lossed land of the Byzantine Empire from the Bulgarians. He then led an army of 30,000 to Bulgaria lossed, retreated, and then fell into an ambush.
  • 1054

    Great schism

    Great schism
    Western Catholic Church closed an Orthodox Church for speaking Greek instead of Latin. Later the Byzantine Empire closed all Latin speaking churches in the capital Constantinople. With this came an ongoing battle of how things should be done in church
  • 1095

    Emperor Alexios I Contacts Pope Urban II

    Emperor Alexios I Contacts Pope Urban II
    Pope Urban wanted to liberate Jerusalem and Alexios seemed like a reliable person to help him on his plans.
  • 1204

    The Fourth Crusade

    The Fourth Crusade
    Was supposed to be to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims. The target then ended up being Byzantine because of financial struggles of Venice.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    The Ottomans made their way through the heavily fortified city by using cannons and many men. Once they were through they say the city, killed the emperor, and slayed the entire city.