Byzantine empire

Byzantine Empire

  • 527

    Justinian became the leader of the Byzantine Empire

    Justinian became the leader of the Byzantine Empire
  • 532

    Church named Hagia Sophia was destroyed in riots that swept Constantinople

    Church named Hagia Sophia was destroyed in riots that swept Constantinople
  • 542

    Bubonic Plague the worst year of the plague.

    Bubonic Plague the worst year of the plague.
  • 565

    Justinian Died

    Justinian Died
  • Jun 1, 626

    Persians and Avars struck against Constinople

    Persians and Avars struck against Constinople
  • Jul 1, 1043

    Russians attempt invasion three times

    Russians attempt invasion three times
  • Aug 1, 1453

    Constantinople Falls to the Turks

    Constantinople Falls to the Turks
  • Empress Theadora died, Justinian's wife

    Empress Theadora died, Justinian's wife