
Byzantine Emperors

  • 272

    Constantine is born

    Constantine is born
    (information about emperor in his/her time spam.)
  • 306

    Maxentius begins his threads

    Maxentius was the son of Maximian and was angry that he had not been elevated to Caesar in the year 305. When Galerius decided to extend taxation to all of Italy he saw the opportunity to lead a revolt. Also, he allied with Constantine and called his father Maximian out of retirement.
  • Period: 306 to 336

    Constantine rules

    Constantine was born February 26 of the year 227 and died in the year 337. He bacame an emperor in 306. He made Christianity the main religion of the empire, he unified the church with the empire (merged the state and church). He founded Constantinople and did the Christian explotion.
  • 347

    Theodosius is born

    Theodosius is born
    (information about emperor in his/her time spam.)
  • 365

    The great schism

    The Great Schism of 1054 was when the Christian church spread into two sections, the Western and the Eastern. These two sections turned into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
  • Period: 379 to 395

    Theodosius rules

    He was born in the year 347 and was the last emperor to rule east and west sides of the empire as one. He destroyed the Barbaics and conquered terrain which helped expand the empire.
  • 482

    Justinian is Born

    Justinian is Born
    (information about emperor in his/her time spam.)
  • 497

    Theodora is born

    Theodora is born
    (information about emperor in his/her time spam.)
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian rules

    Justinian was born in 482 and died in the year 565. He started ruling in 527, he was married to Theodora and he shared his power with her. He rebuilt Constantinople and built the Hagia Sophie. He was an important emperor, senator and soldier
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Theodora Rules

    Theodora was Justinian the 1st's wife. She had a lot of power. she was born in 497. she was smart and beautiful. her biggest accomplishment was when she took over the control when the Nica riot issue occurred. She died in 565
  • 532

    the Nika Riots

    The Nika Revolt was a riot that took place in Constantinople on January 13, 532 AD. It lasted for five days. It was the most violent riot in Byzantine history. Nearly half the city was burned in the riots and over 30,000 people were killed.
  • 575

    Heraclius is born

    Heraclius is born
    (information about emperor in his/her time spam.)
  • 602

    Persian War

    the Persia war was a series of wars fought by Greeks and Persia over almost half a century. its climax was during two invasions that Persia made against mainland Greece between 490 and 479
  • Period: 610 to 641

    Heraclius rules

    Heraclius was born in 575, and became an emperor in 610. He introduced Greek to the Romans. When he became an emperor the empire was very weak and threatened in the borders, but he helped the military become stonger and win wars and battles, also in 627 he won aginst the persians and gained peace with them. Heraclius improved the royal edministration in the empire and restored the true cross in Jerusalem. He Died in the year 641.
  • 725

    irene is born

    irene is born
    (information about emperor in his/her time spam.)
  • Period: 752 to 803

    Irene Rules

    Irene was the first woman to rule in the Byzantine Empire. She was born in the year 725. Her major accomplishments were that when she died she was turned into a very important icon to Christianity also she restored many Christan icons, She was a very unique empress. She died in the year 803.
  • 957

    Basil II

    Basil II
    (information about emperor in his/her time spam.)
  • Period: 976 to 1025

    Basil ll Rules

    He was Born in 957. he had a strong personality which he used to expand the empire. he is known to have been one of the best emperors. he died in 1025
  • 978

    Zoe is born

    Zoe is born
    (information about emperor in his/her time spam.)
  • Period: 1028 to 1050

    Zoe Rules

    Zoe was born in the year 978, She started ruling in 1028.She never knew much of how to govern an empire and this obviously affected the Byzantine Empire. She increased the power of the senate, created her own coinage, and donated to the poor.She stopped riots, had great education and married constantine to gain power. During her empire she had 4 different emperors. she died in 1050