Byzantine emperors

  • Period: 272 to 337

    Constantine the great

    Constantine’s lifespan
  • Period: 306 to 337

    Constantine the great reign

  • 312

    Milivan Bridge

    Milivan Bridge
    Constantine and Maxentius war as Maxentius wanted more power.It was the start of Constantine conversion
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Constantine and Licinius signed a contract stating the toleration of religion
  • 325

    Nicene Creed

    Nicene Creed
    Accord that stated the beliefs of christianity
  • Period: 347 to 395

    Theodosius the great

    Theodosius lifespan
  • Period: 379 to 395

    Theodosius the great reign

  • 380

    Theodosius proclamed himself christian

    Theodosius proclamed himself christian
  • 391

    Pagan worship forbidden

    Pagan worship forbidden
  • 412

    Theodosian walls

    Theodosian walls
    Theodosian walls finished
  • Period: 482 to 565

    Justinian the great

    Justinian’s life span
  • Period: 500 to 548


    Theodora’s lifespan
  • Period: 518 to 527

    Justinian the great reign

  • 525

    Theodora married Justinian

    Theodora married Justinian
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Theodora’s reign

  • 532

    Nika riots

    Nika riots
    There was a mass murder on the hippodrome as people wanted the taxes to lower so Justinian killed them all
  • 532

    Rebuilt Hagia sofia

    Rebuilt Hagia sofia
  • 532

    Nika riots

    Nika riots
    Theodora helped Justinian with all the decisions made that day
  • 534

    Justinian code

    Justinian code
  • Period: 575 to 641


    Heraclius lifespan
  • Period: 610 to 641

    Heraclitus reign

    Made greek official language
  • 612

    Heraclius married Niece

    Heraclius married Niece
  • 625

    Heraclius retired to Anatolia

    Heraclius retired to Anatolia
  • 627

    battle Nineveh

    battle Nineveh
    Heraclius defeated Persian army
  • Period: 752 to 803


    Irene’s lifespan
  • 787

    Nicaea council

    Nicaea council
    Council to restore destroyed images of the iconoclasm
  • 797

    Irene killed her son

    Irene killed her son
    She killed Constantine VI to gain complete power
  • 798

    First female emperor

    First female emperor
    Irene was the first female emperor of Byzantine
  • Period: 798 to 802

    Irene’s reign

  • Period: 960 to 1025

    Basil II

    Basil’s lifespan
  • Period: 976 to 1025

    Basil II reign

  • Period: 978 to 1050

    Zoe Porphyrogenita

    Zoe’s lifespan
  • 985

    Basil II exiles Bazil Lecapenus

    Basil II exiles Bazil Lecapenus
  • 986

    Basil II Defeated Bulgars

    Basil II Defeated Bulgars
    Gaining the title Bulgar slayer
  • 997

    Basil II won back greece

    Basil II won back greece
  • Period: 1028 to 1050

    Zoe’s reign

  • 1030

    defeat by Arab Army

    defeat by Arab Army
  • 1034

    Zoes first husband killed

    Zoes first husband killed
    Romanos III is said to be murdered by Zoe
  • 1040

    Revolt : issue with taxes

    Revolt : issue with taxes