Byzantine empire


  • 305

    Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Jovius of Rome abdicated.

    305 May 1, Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Jovius of Rome abdicated. Constantius I Chlorus (Flavius Valerius Constantius) became Western emperor. Galerius
  • 330


    After enlarging the ancient Greek city of Byzantium, Constantine I renames it for himself and establishes an imperial residence there. Constantinople becomes the capital in 359, and Eastern Romans (Byzantines) come to call it simply "The City."
  • 476

    Constantine and the Byzantine Empire

    Constantine and the Byzantine Empire
    href='' ></a>First Christain. He ruled for 30 years. He split Rome into two. The Byzantine Empire continued on for 1000 years after the Western Roman Empire, including Rome, collapsed in 476 CE.
  • 527

    Justinian the Roman ruler

    Justinian the Roman ruler
    Justinian ruled from 527-565.Name: (At birth) Petrus Sabbatius; Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus
    Birthplace: Thrace
    Dates: c.482, at Tauresium - 565
    Ruled: April 1, 527 (jointly with his uncle Justin until August 1) - November 14, 565
    Wife: Theodora
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia

    AD 537- Hagia Sophia is built
  • Jan 27, 610

    Heraclius ruling and overthorowing the empiror

    Heraclius overthrows the mad emperor Phocas. He institutes a system of themes, wherein the soldiers defending a district are the free peasants of that district with a stake in the defense of their homes (instead of mercenaries). This system, adopted by succeeding emperors and expanded throughout the lands, saves expense and strengthens the empire; but Heraclius overextends himself fighting history's first Holy War and loses Syria, Palestine, Persia and Egypt.
  • Jan 27, 1054

    the great schism happened

    AD 1054- Great Schism
  • Jan 27, 1054

    The Latin Roman Church and the Greek Orthodox Church excommunicate each other.

    The Latin Roman Church and the Greek Orthodox Church excommunicate each other.
  • Jan 27, 1081

    Alexius I arrests decline, joins 1st Crusade

    AD 1081- Alexius I arrests decline, joins 1st Crusade
  • Mar 22, 1159

    Emperor Manuel

    Emperor Manuel I Comnenus of the Byzantines retakes Antioch from the Normans
    22 Mar 1159
  • Jan 27, 1180

    Death of Manuel Comnenus

    AD 1180- Death of Manuel Comnenus restarts decline
  • Jan 27, 1453


    The last emperor of Byzantium, Constantine XI, leads a force of 4,000 troops and succeeds in holding off 160,000 advancing Turks for seven weeks. But the City, now all that is left of the Byzantine Empire, suffers its inevitable fate and falls on Tuesday, May 29.
  • When the Byzantine Empire Started

    The Byzantine empire started in 518.
    The Byzantine empire ended in 1453 after an Ottoman army stormed Constantinople during the reign of Constantine XI.
  • Italy and the byzantine empire

    Italy and the byzantine empire
    Lombards invade Italy, eventually taking Northern Italy from the Byzantines.
  • Justinian II is deposed.

    Justinian II is deposed.
    Justinian II is deposed. His nose is cut off (resulting in the name "Rhinotmetus") and he is banished to Cheron.