The Middle Ages

By Ales313
  • 324

    Constantinople is founded

  • 395

    Roman Empire is divided

    Theodosus divided the Roman empire between his two sons
  • 476

    The fall of the Roman Empire

    In 476 the Roman Empire had a lot of fights of barbarians in the limes so it was broken. Also was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages
  • 527


    Justinian is byzantine's emperor and recuperates most of the lost grounds
  • 570

    Muhammad is born

  • Period: 600 to 700

    Birth of islam

    During this century , Islam enters into conflict with Byzantinum.
  • 711

    The expansion of the Islam

    Muslims conquer the Iberian Peninsula.
  • 800

    The Caroligan Empire

    Charlemagne is crowned Emperor of the Romans. Charlemagne does not receive any new powers.
  • 1250

    The beginnings of the High Middle Ages

    Economic, demographic and social developements coincide with a period of good climate
  • 1453

    Fall of Byzantine empire