
life cycle of a butterfly

  • First stage: the egg

    First stage: the egg
    To grow into an adult butterfly, butterflies go through 4 stages A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical egg.
    The egg is the first stage of a butterflies life cycle.
  • Second stage: caterpillar/larva

    Second stage:  caterpillar/larva
    Butterfly larvae are actually what we call caterpillars. Caterpillars do not stay in this stage for very long and mostly, in this stage all they do is eat.
  • Third Stage: Pupa (Chrysalis)

    Third Stage:  Pupa (Chrysalis)
    When a caterpillar is done growing they form themselves into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis.
  • Fourth stage: Adult butterfly

    Fourth stage: Adult butterfly
    When the caterpillar has done all of its forming and changing inside the pupa, an adult butterfly emerges.