Civil war
The civil war occurred from April 12 1861 to May 9th 1865. -
Reconstruction Act of 1867
Sends an army of occupation to help rebuild the south and readmint the soutern states to the Union. -
First Transcontinental Railroad Completed
The first railroad was known as "Pacific Road". -
Granger Laws
Used to regulate the prices of fares for railroads and grain elevator companies. Occures in the late 1860s and early 1870s. -
Blue Jeans are Invented
1873 Economic Panic
Occurred in part due to the Franco Prussian war, lasted 6 years or more. -
Edison invents the Phonograph
Edison invents the first Phonograph that could replicate sound accurately. -
First Telephone Exchage 1878
Occured in New Haven, Connecticut. -
First Commerical Car Sold 1886
Only 25 Benz's were sold between this time and 1893. -
First Ever Video Recorded
Was filmed at Oakwood Grange, and featured Sarah Whitely, Adolphe le Prince and Joesph and Harriet Whitely. -
First Gramaphone Record
First Cardboard Box Produced In US.
Was produced in the UK in 1817. -
US. acquires Hawaii
Was the decison of President McKinley at the behest of American Investors. -
Banking Panic of 1907
Leads to the establishment of the Federal Reserve -
Ford introduces the Assmebly Line
16th Amendment
Income Tax is firmly established -
Beginning of World War 1
Start of the Roaring 20s
Post WWI, the triumphant US enjoys a strong economy. -
Crash of Wall Street
End of the Roaring 20s. -
Election of FDR and the "New Deal"
The "New Deal" included things such as social security and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. -
US Enters WWII
Marks the end of the depression with monumental government spending. -
G.I. Bill
Creates an educated work-force funding American Soldiers education -
Start of Interstate Highway
Decline of Baby Boom
Creation of Medicaid and Medicare
Established by President Johnson -
1973 Oil Crisis
Prices of Oil Barrels skrocket from 3 dollars to 12. -
Release of First Mac
Windows is released
1987 Economic Scare
NAFTA is Established
Free trade between US, Mexico and Canada -
First Blackberry is released
First Iphone announced
Housing Bubble Bursts
First Android Phone is released
Debt Ceiling Crisis