Business In America

By novakj
  • Civil War Ends

  • The Vacuum Cleaner

    The Vacuum Cleaner
    The vacuum cleaner was invented in 1901 by Hubert Booth.
  • First Powered Flight

    First Powered Flight
    Orville and Wilbur Wright produced the first plane that did not rely on wind for flight, opening the doors to commercial flight today.
  • Radio Broadcasting

    Radio Broadcasting
    The first wireless radio broadcast was sent out in 1906 by Reginald A. Fessenden. This is the beginning of the AM/FM radio we all use today.
  • Electric Washing Machine

    Electric Washing Machine
    The beginning of an innovation that is present in all homes today. The first washing machine hit the market in 1907, allowing for more wash to be done faster.
  • Stenotype Machine/ Typewriter

    Stenotype Machine/ Typewriter
    The typewriter hit the market and drove communication to a new level. It allowed printing to be done as a person was typing, making the printing press obsolete.
  • Jet Engine

    Jet Engine
    The jet engine was created in 1930. It would later become a centerpiece in aerospace technology and power generation.
  • Ballpoint Pen

    Ballpoint Pen
    The ballpoint pen allowed us to break away from the traditional fountain pen design. This allowed for more efficient writing.
  • Nuclear Reactor

    Nuclear Reactor
    The first nuclear reactor was built in Chicago by Enrico Fermi. This would open the door for future nuclear power opportunities.
  • General Purpose Computer

    This is the beginning of our personal home computers we all have today. This is credited with being the most important technological development in the last 100 years.
  • Video Tape Recorder

    Video Tape Recorder
    The tape recorder is the early ancestor to the digital camera we use to take videos now.
  • Personal Stereo

    Personal Stereo
    The first personal stereo was released in 1979. This paved the way for music to become easily accessible to the public.
  • World Wide Web

    The internet became a utility for all citizens to use. Some people argue it is the most important utility to be released.
  • The First Smartphone

    The First Smartphone
    The earliest version of a smartphone was released in 1992, it was called the Simon Personal Communicator.
  • iPhone

    Apple releases its first model of the iPhone. It would grow to be one of the most sold phones around the world.