Building a Timeline

  • 2000 BCE

    Minoan hieroglyphic script was invented:

    Minoan hieroglyphic script was invented:
    The more commonly known system is Linear A, due to the rectilinear shape of its symbols.
  • Period: 1400 BCE to 1100 BCE

    The Defeat of the Minoans:

    It was important to the Mycenaean dfeating the Minoans, because it helped them acquire more cities for their empire, including Troy and Athens. The Mycenaean for 300 years attacked and influenced the Minoans.
  • 776 BCE

    The first Olympic Games take place:

    The first Olympic Games take place:
    It led to an annual competition held every 4 years. Only men could compete and this played naked, showing respect to women. Every men could compete, didn´t matter the social place or class.
  • 479 BCE

    The Persian Empire is defeated by Greek city-states; the Persian wars end:

    The Persian Empire is defeated by Greek city-states; the Persian wars end:
    This war was between Greek city-states such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes, etc.; and The Persian Empire. This war took place in many places, like Greece, Thrace, Aegean islands, etc. It prevented a Persian invasion of Greece.
  • Period: 461 BCE to 429

    Building of the Parthenon:

    During Pericles’s reign, a temple was built to honor their god, Athena. It was called Parthenon and this show how successful Athena’s Golden Age was and how they valued wealth, art, and their culture.
  • 292 BCE

    Romans follow the God Asclepius:

    Romans follow the God Asclepius:
    The Romans adopted the Greek god of medicine Asclepius by stealing his sacred snake from Epidaurus and setting up a temple on the Tiber Island.
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibal invades Italy :

    Hannibal leads the Carthage army to attack Italy. This becomes part of the Second Punic War. In the Second Punic War, Hannibal crossed the Alps. Rome declares war on Carthage after Hannibal sacks Saguntum in Spain. The Second Punic War begins.
  • Period: 91 BCE to 89 BCE

    Rome and Iltaly war:

    Social War between Rome and her Italian allies. Italians want Roman Citizenship and equal share in power. Only won by Rome by granting the Italian wishes.
  • Period: 50 to 60

    Christians settled in Rome:

    Establishment of various Christian communities in the Eastern Mediterranean, Greece, Egypt, and at least the city of Rome.
  • 80

    The Colosseum was built:

    The Colosseum was built:
    The Colosseum was built in 80 AD. The completion of the Colosseum was celebrated with 100 days of games. The Romans invade Scotland. The Colosseum in Rome is officially opened by Titus with a 100 day gladiator spectacular.
  • 500

    Mayan religious art:

    Mayan religious art:
    Mayan priests feature in stone carvings smoking pipes and puffing the smoke towards the sacred sun.
  • Nov 3, 1345

    The Aztecs settled in Tenochtitlan:

    The Aztecs settled in Tenochtitlan:
    The Aztecs settle on an uninhabited island in a lake, which they name Tenochtitlan, the site of the modern Mexico City.
  • Nov 3, 1400

    Machu Picchu:

    The Lost City of the Incas, Machu Picchu, was built as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti. It was located on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru.
  • Nov 3, 1438

    The Inca Established in Peru:

    The Inca Established in Peru:
    The Inca civilization flourished in ancient Peru. Their empire extended across western South America from Quito in the north to Santiago in the south, making it the largest empire in the Americas and the largest in the world at that time.
    Famed for their unique art and architecture, they constructed finely built and imposing buildings wherever they conquered.
  • Simon Bolivar finally defeat Spanish:

    Simon Bolivar defeated Spanish at Battle of Boyaca; Republic of Gran Colombia formed with Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela
  • Period: to

    The War of the Thousand Days:

    This civil war was fought between Liberals and Conservatives. Around 120,000 people die in civil war between Liberals and Conservatives. Panama becomes an independent state.