Build up to Constitution

  • Articles of Confederation

    The 13 states pass articles of confederation to establish laws but without a central governing body that had power, laws could not be enforced. This made the articles of confederation very weak.
  • Land Ordinance

    Western land began to be offered at 1 dollar per acre. This was a means to raise money for the states as they were beginning to struggle.
  • Religious Freedom Ordinance

    Statement of freedom of religion from church and state. Proposed by Thomas Jefferson, it granted the right for religious freedoms free from persecution.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Farmers in western Massachusetts begin rebellion due to loss of land brought about by debt and inflation. Soon Daniel Shays becomes the leader and eventually the mob is disbanded in January of 1787.
  • Annapolis Convention

    James Madison and others call for conference to discuss interstate trade policies. So few representatives show up, thus thrusting the need for constitution to be created in order to establish laws.
  • Constitutional Convention Begins

    Constitutional convention begins meeting in independence hall to establish the constitution upon recent events.
  • Virginia Plan

    Proposed for centralized form of government that would allow for representation based on population.
  • New Jersey Plan

    Small states propose change to Virginia plan that would allow for equal representation from smaller states.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Established that the western land being sold would be translated into 5 new additional states. These states encouraged education and prohibited slavery.
  • Presidency is formed

    The idea to vote for the president is formed and begins to be worked into the ideas of the constitution.
  • Ratification of Constitution

    All states have agreed to and finished the signing of the constitution. This legally establishes the 12 amendments that would serve to create stronger central government and protect the people equally.