Bud , Not Buddy

  • PIuto Discovered

    The ninth and smallest planet known as Pluto was discovered on this day. It is no longer considered a planet, but it was still a great discovery.
  • First Nazi Concentration Camp

    Dachau Concentration Camp became the first of many concentration camps in Germany.
  • The Dust Bowl

    Many great dust storms damaged the United States. This was called the Dust Bowl. It is also refered to sometimes as the Dirty Thirties.
  • Bud's Mother Died

    When Bud was six years old, his mother passed away of a sickness.
  • Bud is Placed in a Orphange

    After Bud's mother dies, he has no place to go. So, he is sent to live in an Orphanage.
  • A Family Adopts Bud

    Bud is adopted by a family with the name of the Amoses.Things go good for Bud for a while.
  • Golden Gate Bridge Opens

    After a long time of construction, The Golden Gate Bridge opens up for pedestrians and cars.
  • Period: to

    Bud, Not Buddy

  • Todd Amos and Bud Get in a Fight

    In the middle of the night, Todd Amos sticks a pencil up Bud's nose. Bud wakes up and fights Todd.
  • Bud is Placed in the Shed for the Night

    After Bud's and Todd's fight, Mr. and Mrs. Amos put bud in their shed for the night. Bud manages to escape despite all his hornet stings.
  • Bud Goes on the "Lam"

    After escaping the Amoses, Bud decides to go on the "lam," which is just being homeless
  • Bud Meets Up With Bugs

    One night while Bud is sleeping by the library, Bugs, one of his friends from the orphanage, comes and teams up with Bud. They decide to head out west for work.
  • Bud and Bugs travel to Hooverville

    To get out west, Bud and Bugs have to travel by train. The nearest train is in Hooverville, which is a very, very small village outside of Flint that many homeless stay in, as well, looking for trains to ride.
  • Bud Gets His First Kiss

    After arriving in Hooverville, Bud and Bugs are feed, but are required to do the dishes. A young girl, Deza Malone, does the dishes with Bud and they end up kissing.
  • Bud Misses the train out West

    The next morning, Bugs and Bud race for the train, yet, only Bugs makes it and Bud is left alone.
  • Bud Decides to Walk to Grand Rapids

    Because of a flyer his mother once gave him that shows a man, Herman E. Calloway, who Bud thinks is his father, Bud decides to travel to Grand Rapids to find him.
  • Bud Meets Earl "Lefty" Lewis

    On his way to Grand Rapids, a man, Earl "Lefty" Lewis, traveling to Flint stops and picks up Bud. Bud tells him that he ran away from Grand Rapids. Lefty says he'll take him back after he stops in Flint.
  • Lefty drops Bud off in Grand Rapids, Michigan

    After his family feeds Bud, Lefty drops him off in Grand Rapids.
  • Bud Meets Herman E. Calloway

    After being dropped off in Grand Rapids, Bud finds Herman E. Calloway and his band. They take care of him for a while.
  • WWII Begins

    On this very day, one of the worlds most tragic wars began. This is known as World War II.
  • They Discover that Bud is Herman's Grandson

    A long while after lving with Herman and the band, they discover that Bud is Herman's grandson. Herman is devastated because Bud tells him that his mother, Herman's son, is dead.