Im right here bubblegum pick me pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Dentyne

    Denytne came out in the 1800's and it is still popular and sold today in 2013... -
  • In the making....

    In the making....
    In, 1869 many men and women, were all trying to figure out how to create gum. Sadly, only one person was sucessful.
  • Finally Made It

    Finally Made It
    In 1928 Double Bubble was accidently invented by a man name Walter Diemer.That was the first succesful bubble gum. He put pink dye over the gum, because that was the last dye that he had on his shelf. He carried a five pound lump of gum to the grocery story that morning and it was sold out that afternoon!
  • Summary

    It is now 2013 and the gum buisness is still booming. There is still many flavors and different kinds to this day. There is probalby going to be more coming soon!!!
  • Chicle

    Around 1900, an invention that is called "gum maker" hat made small pieces of chicle gum and candy, and those where called Chiclets!
  • Chewing Tree Resin (prehsistoric)

    Chewing Tree Resin (prehsistoric)
    Many prehistoric men and women, would often chew on tree resin. (Gum wasn't invented at this time) -