World war 2 in color d day

Bryan McKerley 1921-1941

  • Warren Harding Becomes President

    Warren Harding Becomes President
    In March 1921, Warren G. Harding took oath and became the twenty-ninth president of the United States.
  • President Harding Dies; Vice President Coolidge Takes Office

    President Harding Dies; Vice President Coolidge Takes Office
    In August 1923, President Warren Harding died of a heart attack, and Vice President Calvin Coolidge took his place as president.
  • State of Tennessee v. Scopes Trial Takes Place

    State of Tennessee v. Scopes Trial Takes Place
    On March 21, 1925, the well-known Scopes v. State of Tennessee trial took place, with a school teacher who had taught about the Theory of Evolution being faced with violating the Butler Act, a law preventing the teaching of evolution. This court case came to be very well known and was a key moment in the American "culture war."
  • First Nonstop New York to Paris Flight

    First Nonstop New York to Paris Flight
    On May 21, 1927, Charles Lindbergh successfully performed the first nonstop solo flight from New York to Paris in thirty-three hours. This was exceedingly difficult at the time as Lindbergh had to navigate over 3000 miles across the ocean by himself without the help of modern-day flight technology.
  • Nazi Book Burns Take Place

    Nazi Book Burns Take Place
    On May 10, 1933, over 25,000 books that were deemed "non-German" were burned in Germany. These books included those who were written by Jewish authors and other "un-German books".
  • Germany Invades Poland, Starting World War II

    Germany Invades Poland, Starting World War II
    On September 1, 1939, German forces invaded Poland, leading to the start of World War II.
  • Hitler Invades the Soviet Union

    Hitler Invades the Soviet Union
    On Sunday, June 22, 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union, breaking the two countries' nonaggression pact. This was the largest land invasion in history.
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941, Japan bombed the United States' Pearl Harbor, leading to the United States joining World War II.