Chapter 1
I still remember when the marvel of electry reached us in 1935.
my dad said my mom no worried
His mother, his father, and his brothers all died in the Holocaust -
chapter 2
In september 1938 we celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the jewish year, and observed Yom Kippur, the te day of atonement,in a beatiful Reformed Synagogue, one of more than a hundred synagogues scattered throughout the city. -
Chapter 3
1-My father found his own may to defy the Nazis and to help us suvived at the samw time ever tough it meat doing someting illegal
2The Nazi businessmen whes safe he craked,whe had just hired him,was Oskar Scinder -
Chapter 4
Scindler's name meat somenthing to me only because ha had hired my father.
Howerev, German soldiers could change in a instant from cordial to brutal. -
chapter 6
Each morning my mother went to her cleaning job, and I went to the brush factory In October 1942, nws of another transport reached Schindler,so he kept his Jewish workers at the factory overnight instead of seding them back to the ghetto -
chapter 5
1.Alli could do was pray that somehow my dearest broter had been spared or had found away to escape
2.I needed to contribute to my family's survival any way I could
3.His brother died,Tsalig died -
chapter 8
Schindler was a Nazi, afterall, and he had ernormous power by the summer of 1944,reports were circulating that the war had swaong in favor of the allies, mainly the Americans and the British to the west and the soviest in the east -
Chapter 7
Winter of began, Goeth's wrath intensified.
In late 1943 Schindler cajoled and bribed Gorthand other SS leaders for permission to build a sub-camp on the propety adjancen to Emalia -
Chapter 9
The Nazis/Germans kill a million of people. The SS was ordered to murdered all the Jewisk workers at the factory.
On May 8, 1945, the answer come.
An affirmation of our solidarity and victory.
The Germans lose the war -
chapter 10
On Agust 11, 1945, riating broke out when a gentile boy daimed that lews were trying to kill him.
David and Pesza devised a plan to go back to Czechoslowakia -
Leyon Leyson is nervous to meet Oskar Shinder in LA. Oskar saved his life in Poland during the Holocaust