Bruno and Ana 5.4 formative

By Prestes
  • Discovery from Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle proved that electric attraction and repulsion can happen in vacuum.
  • Discovery from Stephen Gray

    Stephen Gray discovered the difference between conductors and insulators.
  • Charles de Cisternay Discovery

    Charles de Cisternay discovered that the two different types of charges could cancel each other out.
  • Capacitors

    Pieter Musschenbroek developed the Capacitors while investigating electrostatic phenomena.
  • Benjamin Franklin Discovery

    Benjamin Franklin determined that the two different types of charge should be calle Positive and Negative
  • Conventional Current

    Benjamin Franklin discovered that conventional current flows through a positive current, in a negative current the flow would be opposite.
  • Charles Coulomb Discovery

    Charle Coulomb made a series of experiments in two charged objects, in order to discover the relation between electric forces.
  • Charles Coulomb Discovery

    Charle Coulomb discovered that the separation relation was a force inversely proportional to r2 and including the product of the charges
  • Right Hand Rule

    Right hand rule: point the thumb of your right hand in the direction of conventional current flow: Your fingers curl in the direction of the magnetic field lines. Was invented John Ambrose Fleming.
  • Left Hand Rule

    left hand rule: find out the direction of induced current when a force is applied (with the middle and first fingers swapped round). Was invented by John Ambrose Fleming.
  • Magnetic field

    Hans Christian Oersted discovered that magnetic fields are vectors fields that have influence on moving electric charges, magnetic material and electric currents.
  • First Ohm Law

    Georg Simon Ohm invented the Ohm's law states that for a metal held at constant temperature, the current flowing through it will be proportional to the potential difference across it.
  • Second Ohm Law

    Georg Simon Ohm invented the second ohm’s law: V=IR. meaning that the potential difference across a conductor is equal to the product of the resistance and the current in the conductor.
  • Inductors

    Faraday discovered Inductors when he was trying to perform another experiment,
  • Magnetic force in a wire with current

    The current in one wire produces a magnetic field with which the current in the second wire experiences a force, called the magnetic force, that was invented by Michael Faraday.
  • The Electric Field

    Faraday discovered the concept of Electric Fields and its properties.
  • The Eletric Fields properities

    They begin on positive charges and end on negative charges.They never cross (at any given point there is only one value for the field).
  • Michael Faraday Discovery

    Michael Faraday discovered arbitrarily electricity, the type of electricity that can appear in opposite polarities.
  • Michael Faraday Discovery

    Michael Faraday proved that current and static electricity were differents behaviors of charge
  • First Kirchhoff's Law

    Gustav Kirchhoff invented the first law: net current entering and leaving a junction is zero.
  • Second Kirchhoff's Law

    Gustav Kirchhoff invented the second law: in traversing any closed loop in a circuit the net electric potential difference must be zero.
  • Transistors

    William Bradford Shockley, Walter Houser Brattain, and John Bardeen developed the Transistors to be used in telephones.
  • Resistors

    Otis Frank Boykin developed the Resistors in a circuit, mostly for televisions.