Feb 19, 1473
Nicholas Copernicus
Nicholas discoverd the formula for heliocentric model -
Period: Feb 19, 1473 to
Early Thinkers/Brodie
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
Tycho saw the first ever recorded super nova and bilt his own observatory to study stars. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilie
Impoved telescope dramticaly to study long distance stars and planet -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler
Johannes created the laws of planitary motion -
Giovanni Cassini
Discovered the division rings of saturn -
Sir Isaac Newton
Isaac formulated the laws of motion -
Edmond Haley
Edmond computed the orbit of halleys comet -
Charles Messier
William herschel
Discovered the planet uranus and 2 of its moons -
Anne Jump Cannon
Anne created the classifacation of star temputers -
Albert Einstein
Discovered the law photocentric -
Edwin Hubble
Discovered recessional velocity. -
Frank Drake
First attempt of finding extratrintails -
Carl Sagan
Discovered the high temputure surface of venus -
Stephen Hawking
He helped a great portion of under standing physics