In 1986 Kyle turned 18, he was raised his whole childhood in a very strict, religious house hold. At 18 he was finally old enough to choose what he believed. Kyle began his search for a sense of self and personal identity, through an exploration of personal values, beliefs, and goals. (Identity vs. Role Confusion) The crisis is choosing to live up to the expectations of his parents vs. experimenting with other ways of life. -
At 33 Kyle and Sarah decided to get married and share their lives together. Though Kyle had a hard time early in their relationship with intimacy, he overcame his fear of commitment and they were married Jan 5th, 2001. (Intimacy vs. Isolation) The crisis is that of being afraid of commitment (isolation) or being able to form an intimate, loving relationship (Intimacy). -
First Child
Shortly after Kyle and Sarah were married they discovered they couldn't have children of their own. They spent the next couple years applying to adoption agencies and in 2005 they adopted a baby girl from Uganda. Kyle's decision to adopt a child lead to feelings of love, usefulness, and accomplishment (Generativity vs. Stagnation) The crisis being that of choosing to expand his family even though the child wasn't biologically his (Generativity) instead of being bitter about it (Stagnation).