British Roman

  • 55 BCE

    Julius Caesar heads first Roman Invasion but later withdraws

  • 43

    Romans invade and Britain becomes part of the Roman Empire

  • 50

    London Founded

  • 61

    Boadicea leads the Iceni in revolt against the Romans

  • 70

    Romans conquer Wales and the North

  • 122

    Emperor Hadrian builds a wall on the Scottish Border

  • 140

    Romans conquer Scotland

  • 209

    St Alban becomes the 1st Christian martyr

  • 306

    Constantine the Great declared Emperor at York

  • 350

    The Picts and Scots attack the border

  • 410

    The Romans withdraw from Britain: Anglo Saxons migrants begin to Settle

  • 450

    Invasion of the Jutes from Jutland, Angles from South of Denmark and Saxons from Germany. Britain is divided up into the Seven Kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Essex, Sussex and Kent.

  • 460

    St Patrick returns to convert Ireland

  • 510

    The Battle of Mount Badon: British victory over the Saxons

  • 597

    St Augustine brings Christianity to Britain from Rome and becomes Archbishop of Canterbury

  • Dec 24, 617

    Northumbria becomes the Supreme Kingdom

  • Dec 24, 779

    Mercia becomes the Supreme Kingdom and King Offa builds a Dyke along the Welsh Border

  • Dec 24, 793

    First invasion by the Vikings

  • Dec 24, 821

    Wessex becomes the Supreme Kingdom

  • Dec 24, 866

    Invasion of the Great danish flag Danish (Viking) Army

  • Dec 24, 867

    Invasion of the Great danish flag Danish (Viking) Army

  • Dec 24, 871

    King Alfred defeats the Vikings but allows them to settle in Eastern England

  • Dec 24, 886

    The North subjected to the Danelaw, the rules of the Vikings

  • Dec 24, 889

    The Anglo Saxon Chronicle starts

  • Dec 24, 926

    Eastern England (Danelaw) is conquered by the Saxons

  • Dec 24, 1016

    King Canute of Denmark captures the English Crown

  • Dec 24, 1042

    Edward the Confessor becomes King

  • Dec 24, 1055

    Westminster Abbey is completed