British North America 1763-1783 Summary Chart and Timeline

  • Pontiac’s Resistance

    Pontiac’s Resistance
    a British relief expedition attacked Pontiac's camp but suffered heavy losses and were repelled in the Battle of Bloody Run
  • The Ohio Valley

    The Ohio Valley
    They were fighting over who got the Ohio valley
  • Discontent in the 13 Colonies

    Discontent in the 13 Colonies
    In 1763, British dominance spread from India to North America and the Caribbean, but at a high cost.
  • American War of Independence

    American War of Independence
    War of Independence, was started in Congress by delegates from thirteen British American colonies against the British Empire
  • The Royal Proclamation 1763

    The Royal Proclamation 1763
    It laid the groundwork for the administration of the North American provinces that France ceded to Britain in the Treaty of Paris, 1763, at the end of the Seven Years' War.
  • Governorship of Guy Carleton

    Governorship of Guy Carleton
    He advocated for the passage and administration of the Quebec ACT in 1774 in order to assist the Roman Catholic Church and preserve French civil law.
  • The Quebec Act 1774

    The Quebec Act 1774
    The Quebec Act repealed the allegiance oath and created religious liberty in the province.
  • Governorship of James Murray

    Governorship of James Murray
    Murray was appointed military administrator of the city after the British conquered it. He became army commander of the Quebec area after the French surrendered in 1760.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    ending the American Revolutionary War. The pact recognised US independence and handed the US important western territory, based on a preliminary contract signed in 1782.