british moment

By Ashevi
  • 1250

    Polynesian Discovery

    Polynesian Discovery
    People came to Oceania
  • Abel Tasman

    Abel Tasman
    A man arrived to New Zealand, called it after his city and added "new"
    Got scared because of the misscommunication and "agression" coming from Maori, and left thinking New Zealand is part of a huge continent
  • Cook arrives

    Cook arrives
    Cook arrives to NZ. Initiates trade, gives New Zealand pigs and potatoes. However with his arrival, many conflicts happen.
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    Whalers and sealers

    Ships that sold oceanic products and hunted for them. Seals were almost hunted to the verge of extinction, and this was outlawed in 1926.
    However whaling and sealing was something that Maori have joined in to do too.
  • First convict fleet to Australia

    In May 1787, the British government sent a fleet of 11 ships - carrying over 1500 men, women and children - 20,000 kilometres around the world. This historic convoy, later known as the First Fleet, was led by Captain Arthur Phillip. The First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay on 20 January 1788.
  • Te Pahi visits NSW

    NSW is New South Wales, Australia.
    Te Pahi has visited King there, they agreed on collaboration with Maori and Europeans. The chief was given nice things.
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    Musket Wars

    As Muskets were introduced to NZ, the Maori decided that they need to have the weapons. Muskets weren't good, as they took a while to load and weren't the most efficient. They were traded for wheat and pigs.
    The musket wars have caused significant economic changes and caused a lot of deaths.
  • Marsden gives first sermon

    First "Christian mission to NZ"
  • Napoleanic Wars end

    Wars ended, and now there are a lot of muskets to go around.
  • Ngati Toa capture Kapiti island

  • Declaration of Independence

  • Tory arrives in Wellington harbour

  • The Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti

  • Wairau Affray

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    Northern War

  • Battle at Horokiwi (Battle Hill)

  • ndian Mutiny

  • Pakeha population surpasses Maori

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    Taranaki War

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    Invasion of the Waikato